Top Ten Best Metal YouTubers

The Top Ten
Der Dunkle Parabelritter

The videos he produces are high quality, and you can feel that he put a lot of thought and time into them. His content is great, and he has a close relationship with his community. Also, he is just super nice when you meet him in person.

Always entertaining, very informative, and throwing the right amount of comedy into the mix. His festival reports are also always worth a watch.

Great interaction with the community via social media.

He does everything that all the others do here, except playing music. He really worked for all his subs and didn't get famous after one video like "10 Metal Genres."

His parody character is "Retro Gandalf," who is ten times funnier than Infidelamsterdam.


I find his videos funny and pretty accurate (more accurate than Jared Dines). I don't know why some people think he isn't funny. My favorite video is How To Be POWER METAL! I liked it so much that I made a list about it - Funniest Moments on Steve Terreberry's Video "How to Be Power Metal!"

He is often criticized for his sense of humor, but he is extremely talented and does frequent parodies of djent, black metal, and deathcore.

Amazed by his editing (makes everything so funny) and his super mad guitar skills

Jared Dines Jared Dines (Born October 6th 1989) is an American musician from Washington, who is best known for his success and works on YouTube based on the Heavy Metal genre. He is also the vocalist for the band Dissimulator and the drummer for Rest, Repose and has a strong following of 1 million subscribers as... read more

He does hilarious yet awesome videos. He takes classic riffs and plays them in different metal styles, he does vocal parodies, and much more. He is also the vocalist of a Deathcore band called Dissimulator.

He's my favorite. I only wish he was more accurate when presenting or demonstrating metal and punk subgenres. For example, his video 10 Styles of Metal included more punk/core than metal vocal styles.

I like his comedy and all the different ways he can play drums or guitar. He also has great different types of voices.

Heavy Metal Entertainment (HME)

"Her voice sounds like a chainsaw... another chainsaw."

This and many more brilliant sayings, phrases, recommendations, and generally silly metalhead things brought to you by the two best Metal YouTubers.

I mean, they're trustworthy gents, nice guys, interactive with their viewers, and make, in my opinion, some of the most entertaining metalhead box unboxings because they put their own comedic twist on it.

These guys didn't just make an entertaining and informative channel, but they built a great community around it. Definitely my number one pick for metal YouTube channels.

Become The Knight

Very educated musician.

Very funny.

Summary of him? Loves prog too much.

I've learned a lot from him. Great guy.

He is as talented as he is arrogant.


Absolutely hysterical. Acting crazy in public, mispronouncing everything on purpose, imitating famous musicians, and destroying their own stuff - it's just nonstop ridiculousness.

I love the personalities, too: Chris is always super energetic, Karp is sarcastic and kind of an edgelord, and Primz is so chill.

They make funny metal sketches, and not just metal. Also, their humor is so clever, and they always make cool references.

When I first discovered him, I didn't like him, but after watching more of his videos, he immediately became my favorite.


Killbot is a very knowledgeable and funny content creator who deserves a better score. Especially considering Dines is second. How is Dines second?

This guy deserves way more subscribers. He's so funny and entertaining!

He's funny and talented. I love all of his videos, to be honest, and he's very informed.


He puts out awesome reviews, he knows lots of great obscure bands, and he isn't a closed-minded elitist.

This is really the only Metal YouTuber I like, and just like IronSabbathPriest said, his rants are hilarious, especially his one about Nicki Minaj.

Definitely. He has some great reviews, and his rants are hilarious!


A must for every fan of death metal.

Blackmetal Werewolf

He is cool and shares a lot of cool bands. Deserves more subscribers.

The Newcomers

? Miguel Sequeira
? Pete Cottrell
The Contenders
Charlie Parra del Riego

He's a better guitarist than Jared Dines and Steve Terreberry. He isn't very funny, but his demonstrations are very accurate and therefore useful. Examples - Punk vs Metal, Punk VS Metal 2.


He likes black metal, which is what makes him unique, kind of.

He has passion for what he does.


I just watched his "Children of Bodom - Kissing the Shadows - Solo Challenge III." Man, he's very good!

Vegan Black Metal Chef
Fulton's Reviews
Ola Englund

Ola is fantastic! Funny as hell.

Andy Rehfeldt

The "Radio Disney Versions" he has made make me laugh.


He is such a humble and kind person. He's always informed and stays neutral in a way you just have to have him as a role model!

Drache is number one! #Liebe

Luke Hammerheart
Daniel Dekay (BANGERTV - All Metal)

My favorite YouTuber right now. Very funny and introduced me to a lot of bands, a lot of doom metal bands.

Andrea Boma Boccarusso

I just casually listened to the metal subgenre riffs video.

He makes the best metal-themed videos!

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