Weirdest YouTube Videos
You think you seen weird? Think again! And, I am not saying I dislike these videos. In fact, they are some of my favourite videos on the internet.A video with different intentions than it comes across, this one is just unintentionally creepy as heck. It starts with a girl/robot/demon (no one really knows) sitting at a table. The camera starts zoomed in on the girl, then it zooms out, revealing a room lit by candles and a fire in the window.
The girl says something in gibberish before smashing her head into a bowl. The video then reverses, and the girl clearly says, "There is nothing," as the camera zooms back in.
Another creepy satanic wannabe with some easy stuff behind their backs!
Yeah, this deserves 1st place. No reason needed.
This video is dumb. It's just a distorted video of an animated cartoon with a muppet-like character, with random screaming in the background. Obviously made by someone who was super high on LSD.
The video is supposed to be about some guy who found a tape in outer space in the future on some blue planet, but it's just a poorly made tape.
By far one of the creepiest videos I've ever seen.
Nothing better than someone staring at you while eating ice cream off their body!
A strong contender for number one, Obey the Walrus is not what the title suggests. In fact, the walrus has barely anything to do with it. It starts with a cartoon mask singing, then the singing continues but gets really creepy.
The singing continues over a video clip of a disabled transvestite with polio dancing. In the last few seconds of the video, the walrus finally appears.
This bizarre, mysterious, and scary series is outstanding. It's definitely a "must-see." I wish they would make a new season explaining what happened to the characters in the first one or start a new story with new protagonists.
This video has one of the best lores I've seen. It even has an official Gumball episode by the creators that aired on TV!
This is the most beautiful masterpiece you will ever see!
"I Feel Fantastic" is a video that, when you first watch it, looks creepy, but it's really just a failed music project. It features a robot woman singing the lyrics "I feel fantastic" in several different tones, ending with a random shot of a garden. There's a theory about this video being made by a serial killer, but it's false - just weird.
This whole channel (Elastic Spastic Plastic Fantastic) is creepy, but this video (with 2 million views) is the most popular one. Basically, a weird woman with a beard goes to the house of a character named Shaye Saint John (the main character on the entire channel) and asks Shaye, a model who was in a train crash and replaced her limbs and face with plastic, if she is going to do the "hand thing." Then Shaye begins to slap her plastic hands together in a weird way while saying gibberish. Eventually, the other woman joins in. Unfortunately, the creator of the channel died.
The Newcomers

This is seriously one of those weird memes from 2023 that just doesn't sit right with me.
There was this video where a later-convicted murderer encouraged her two younger brothers to touch an electric fence. Needless to say, it's pretty disturbing.
This video is pretty simple but 8 minutes long. It's an "art project" featuring just one man and some clay. The video looks pretty normal at first, but then the man starts putting all the clay on his face, and I can't describe the rest of it. Watch it for yourself.
There is a huge underground tunnel system below Paris, and a man went to investigate. He filmed these narrow tunnels, but then dropped the camera and ran. The footage was found down there before the man was...
Haha, WHAT?! No, seriously... what?! I'm not watching it! Just the image I have in my head is more than I can cope with. "Repeatedly kiss her rotted dead corpse" indeed. Tsk! What are you like? Haha...
I've seen this one. It's actually not as bad as the others on the list, but it's still kinda unsettling. There is this rat-like thing that looks like chewed gum, singing in a robotic voice about potato knishes, squash balls, and centipedes. Trippy.
Jimmy's father is a mass murderer in today's episode of Jimmy Neutron!
For a hotel once home to Richard Ramirez, this doesn't help its reputation. A woman was found dead and naked in the water supply of the hotel, but no one knows why she was there or how she got there, as she wasn't drunk, high, or anything. The last video of her before her death didn't answer any questions - in fact, it raised more.
It is CCTV footage of her in an elevator looking worried. She appears to talk to someone who is not seen, then she gets into the broken elevator and presses all the buttons at once, then hides behind the door. She gets out, and then the elevator starts working. This video is very confusing, as she died minutes later.

How bad and typical this video is. It's more trash than creepy. More like how Homo sapiens post weird stuff on the internet.
I'm an otaku when it comes to Salad Fingers. He's so cute! The show has some hidden morals to the point where you have to really think about what the lesson of each episode is. You might have to watch it multiple times to fully understand! It adds a challenge, and I love it! Sure, there are a couple of cannibal scenes, but those don't appear until the very end of two episodes.
Episode 11 is my favorite because of how deep it is. It's not "satanic" because there are no sacrifices or upside-down pentagrams! It can even be educational at times, with SF talking about the Great War in almost every episode and using terms related to WWI. If you like scary stuff, give Salad Fingers a try.
This video is just uncomfortable to watch because of the lyrics of the song and the man singing it. It features a weird-looking old man miming to the song "Pretty Woman." It is slightly weird at first but becomes disturbing when you find out the man was a convicted sex offender and pedophile.
How is this not higher on the list?!
This song is so catchy, and the beat is upbeat and fun. Even though it's a song about a bum that fires poop at people.
Flying Bum poops on not-so-glorious people.