Top 10 Best Ways to Get Revenge on Younger Sisters

The Top Ten
1 Steal just one thing from her room per day.

My little sister loves makeup and she has loads. She also has loads of brushes. Her huge jewelry box is empty, so every day I just take one of her brushes out of the pot she keeps them in. She doesn't suspect me because she knows I hate makeup. When she begins to notice, her jewelry box is right next to her makeup.

She also gets really mad if I say I took something from her room and put it in the bin (don't actually put anything in the bin), and then leave her searching her room for anything she doesn't have. Twenty minutes later, I come in and tell her that actually, I didn't do anything. Don't do this prank while doing the take just one thing from her room, or she will, if she is anything like mine, tell your mum that you put her in the bin.

2 Put lemon juice on her toothbrush.

I tried that before with my little sister, and she hated me from October till March 11th! It was really funny. Everyone should try it!

My sister has acid on her teeth, which is really gross anyway, but I tried this and her teeth turned yellow and she stank. Thanks!

I'm the little sister, and if I did that to my big sis, she would hit me in the face, so make a better one. Sorry, but that's what I have to say. And it wouldn't freak her out. It would make her mad.

3 Jump out of a closet.

I got my 12-year-old sister so good. When I was on vacation in India, I climbed into my uncle's cupboard, and then I jumped out saying, I'm invincible! She screamed, saying a monster jumped out of the closet! It was so funny.

I did this to my little sister when she left her room to go downstairs. And when she was about to get into her bed, I jumped out! She literally wet herself. Haha, thanks.

I have jump scared her so many times she doesn't seem to get scared anymore. I came out of her closet and she cried a lot.

4 Call her some stupid names in front of her friends and say that it's her nickname.

This is perfect. I have a 6-year-old sister who gets embarrassed easily. I am going to call her Pickle Juice. I can't wait, but it's Friday, 8:04 now, so I have to wait until Monday since we go to the same school.

I have done this multiple times, and it was so funny.

5 Dip their school pencils in clear nail polish so they can't write.

I guess I could try this with my stepsister when she really gets annoying. I'm a younger sister in my biological family standards, and my sister is in college, so I can't really do anything on this list to any siblings at my regular house.

If your sibling likes makeup, then do this to their makeup brushes.

I like how harmless and not mentally damaging this one is.

6 Tell their secrets.

What a horrifying thing to do. Even if your younger sibling is annoying, they are still family. Now your sibling will never trust you. I mean, it's hard for youngsters to confide their secrets in others. You shouldn't be tossing them around like they're nothing.

Dear all younger sisters, NEVER tell older siblings your secrets. Sincerely, a girl who knows her older sibling well and knows what she will do.

Be careful with this even though it is pretty funny. They might know something worse about you.

7 Pretend that you're putting a curse on her and do bad stuff to her after.

I've done this so many times and I've deceived her into believing that I had the power to perform black magic and white magic. This was when I was 11 and she was 8. I manipulated her into believing that when she did something bad, I put a curse on her, which terrorized her. Just be careful not to let your parents find out!

Awesome, I will totally try that. She always tells on me, so this will be perfect because she won't be able to see me do this.

Grab a random hardback book (take off the cover if it has one) and say a random spell while looking at the book. Simple. Then do weird stuff to her.

8 Creep into her bed and put a plastic spider in her bed when she is sleeping or not looking.
9 Use her toothbrush to clean the toilet.

Some have sweet siblings, and some have annoying siblings. Mine is one of the annoying ones. I'm going to make her regret the lies she feeds my parents almost every day.

I didn't do this, but it would be a great prank. However, I can't because she will notice straight away and will know it was me. And once she finds out, she'll kill me and bring me back to clean up the mess.

Love this idea! My older sister will never suspect a thing! She never notices anything, anyway. Yes, I am a younger sibling, but this was super helpful!

10 Pour cold water on her while she is in the shower.

I did this to my little sister yesterday! Her friends were at our house waiting for her to get out of the shower, and I poured cold water on her. She freaked out and ran out of the bathroom to her bedroom naked, and that's where her friends were. It was hilarious!

This is such an awesome idea. I did this to my middle sister when I did not like her, so now I am going to do it to my youngest sister. Ha ha, I can't wait to see her reaction.

I did that, and she came out without clothes and slapped me. Can this woman honestly be cautious of what she wears before slapping awesome people like me?

The Contenders
11 Follow them around everywhere and stare at them nonstop.

She does this to me all the time. It's the most frustrating thing on earth. I can't stand it.

12 Find a balloon and put it in her pillow so when she lays her head back, it will pop.

Won't she notice how big her pillow is? Ah, who am I kidding, my sister won't even notice. She's so clueless!

I did this, and she screamed, ran to mom, and said, "My head cracked open!" It was so funny.

I recommend water balloons so that she will get completely wet.

13 Hide under her bed and as she gets out, grab her foot.
14 Ignore her... Pretend she doesn't exist.

I did this, and she started to cry. Then she told our dad, and he asked me why I was mad at her. I wasn't mad at her, and he said to talk to her. So I said hi and ran away from her.

I tried, but my mom got mad at me and almost banned me from any electronics for a week. No visiting anyone.

This is epic, unfortunately, it will get really annoying afterward.

15 Lock them out of the house.

I've done that so many times that I've lost count. My older sister didn't have her keys to the house, so I put my hand through a window and it opened. I called her over and said that it was open, but little did she know that I had locked it. Then I found a window where she could climb through, but of course, I locked it, so she was outside for about one to two hours. Serves her right for being a know-it-all.

This happened to my younger sister once when my older sister, along with our niece and nephew, left her outside, tied to a post. I was really young at the time, and I thought it was funny.

16 Hide just one of their best shoes.

Literally perfect! Instead of hiding the shoe, I'll probably just put one shoe on one side of the house and another on the other side so she'll have to go all the way to get it.

Yes, my sister has these sneakers that she wears almost every day! I cannot wait to steal one and see the look on her face.

She loves her new shoes. I am going to hide it in a box and tell her that she must have lost her shoe.

17 Play hide and seek and while she is hiding, leave the game and go watch TV. When she comes out and asks what you were doing, say you couldn't find her.

That might leave her with trust issues, especially towards you, and she might become afraid that anyone will abandon her.

Really good! Right now, my sister is hogging the computer. This will be perfect!

We can play hide and seek for a long time. Worked like a charm.

18 Play them at something they're not good at.

When she got stuck at a word, I was tricking her into how to spell headphones and it was funny. She was mad at her mom.

I challenged her to a one-on-one basketball game, and I completely outplayed her. I blocked all her shots.

Little sisters are not supposed to be here, but I have done this so much, and it's hilarious!

19 Put salt in her drink.

That is absolutely disgusting! We can all hate our sisters sometimes, but this is really, really, REALLY MEAN. Just think of what you would do if she did this to you because all of us may want revenge on our sisters, but this is just taking things a step too far.

I've done this to my older brother with help from his girlfriend. He said it tasted funny and both of us were giggling.

This is hilarious. And it's not going to poison them or anything. It's just salt.

20 Ignore them and don't listen to them when they ask you for something.

But she would ignore you when you ask her for something. It's easy to say that you don't need to ask a younger sibling for anything, but when you really want something, you'll ask anyone for it. And she might have something that you don't. If you do this too much, it could go too far, and she might stop liking you and affect your relationship.

My rude sister named Priya Kumar asked me for medicine, and I pretended I didn't have it at all. My sister hates it when I chew loudly. I keep quiet about it because I chew louder in her ear and pretend I don't know that she hates it.

21 Break your parents' stuff when they're sleeping and blame it on her.

I can't do anything on this list because I get in trouble for everything, even things I didn't do, even things that my sister starts. My parents pick favorites. My sister gets whatever she wants, and if she doesn't get it, she will cry.

For example, if she hits me (she is above 3rd grade, so this isn't normal) and I hit her back way lighter, I get in trouble. If we share a pen and she wants to use it, she can, but if I want to, no, she still does.

Then tell your parents it was you. I feel so bad for her. Or if you don't want to get in trouble, why don't you just not do it at all? But if your sister is 100% annoying and would do anything to get you in trouble, this is the perfect prank for her.

22 Confuse her with really sophisticated words.

I did it to my six-year-old sister. It was hilarious. She was convinced I was saying something mean but had no way of proving it. The downside of this was that unless you know a lot of fancy words by memory, you have to use a thesaurus.

This is very easy if your dad likes to use big words, but she might understand them if your dad always says them.

I am so excited to try this on my sister. I already know she will get frustrated.

23 Embarrass them in front of their crushes and boyfriends.

Say, "Oh, you must be (name that's not theirs), my sister (sister name) talks about you all the time!" For example:

"Oh, you must be Bennett! My sister Annabelle talks about you all the time! She totally has a crush on you, Bennett!" (Say to somebody not named Bennett).

She will totally freak out, and her boyfriend might even dump her!

This'll be easy! She's never in her room, so I can swipe her diary. Plus, we have the Jack and Jill style bathroom, so I can sneak through the bathroom hall instead of the main hall.

Okay, this one would be funny, but it's cruel. Anyway, I can't do this because my baby sister is three, and I'm ten, and I have a crush.

24 Spray her with silly string.

I would make her drop her stuff in the hall at school, then make her fall on the stairs, then make her slip and fall on chocolate milk. Then, when she's all soaked and embarrassed, me and someone else will jump out from the front and back and spray four different colors of silly string on her at the same time.

Now that is an appropriate and funny thing to do to your younger sibling. But it just doesn't work as revenge. It can be for an April Fools joke and just having fun. Just... don't make it too cruel, okay?

I am doing this to my crush. He was texting me and faked being his brother, so I told him who I liked. This will be awesome!

25 Pretend she is invisible.

This would not work. My sister is too smart. She is 6, but I do a lot of tricks on her, so she would know that this is a trick.

I'm the middle child, and my little sister is the devil. She has that favoritism.

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