Worst Anime Love Triangles

Love triangles in some anime are kind....stupid. They either just make the anime feel tedious or just completely crash and burn when they happen.
The Top Ten
Naruto & Sakura & Sasuke - Naruto

This whole Team 7 thing is just a mess! And it all stems from Sasuke. Sasuke doesn't like his teammates, Sakura is infatuated with him, and Naruto has a crush on Sakura. Sasuke betrays the Hidden Leaf and leaves his teammates behind.

Naruto promises to bring Sasuke back to Sakura, and she never gets over her feelings for Sasuke. So she lies to Naruto's face about loving him and claims that Sasuke means nothing to her. Naruto doesn't believe her and still says he'll bring Sasuke back because he loves her. This whole love triangle is such a mess, and I still haven't covered every awful thing about it!

Naruto apparently didn't really love Sakura and just did it because of his rivalry with Sasuke. That doesn't make sense. Naruto risked his life for her and devoted himself to her. That's not rivalry. That's genuine care that Sakura didn't feel for him. Instead, she falls in love with the guy who tried to kill her and left her for ten years.

Kirito & Asuna & Suguha - Sword Art Online

Suguha is Kirito's cousin and falls in love with him. Kirito is trying to save Asuna from Sugou inside another video game called Alfheim. However, Suguha slowly falls in love with Kirito all over again but with his persona on Alfheim.

Did we really need an incestuous relationship in SAO? It should be focused on Kirito's mission to help Asuna, not his cousin's growing feelings toward him. He already built a harem with Silica and Lisbeth, but do we really need another girl? And how is Asuna okay with any of this?

Yugi & Tea & Rebecca - Yugioh

This one only lasted for two seasons out of the five, but it was annoying. Yugi has always had a crush on Tea, but Tea likes Atem more. Then once Rebecca starts flirting with Yugi, Tea is always jealous of her.

I don't like how Rebecca loves Yugi either. Yugi is in high school, and Rebecca is 12 in the Japanese version and 8 in the dubbed version. That's gross. Yet, why is Tea arguing over who gets Yugi when her interest has always been with Atem? It doesn't add up. It doesn't help that later on, some other woman named Vivien starts flirting with Yugi too.

The whole love triangle never gets resolved and was just a pain to sit through.

Makoto & Kotonoha & Sekai - School Days

Makoto loves Kotonoha but doesn't admit it. So he sleeps around with Sekai and then goes after Kotonoha. However, he doesn't like the idea of dating and instead sleeps around with a bunch of women.

Sekai then tells Makoto that she's pregnant, and he gets mad at her because she ruined his life. He's only mad because none of the girls he slept with want to be around him. However, Kotonoha forgives him, and he takes her back. Sekai kills Makoto out of jealousy, and Kotonoha kills Sekai.

You know, none of this would have happened if Makoto just stuck with one woman. This anime would have ended sooner.

Amu & Ikuto & Utau -Shugo Chara

Ew! This relationship is just ew! Ikuto feels love and happiness around Amu. Sounds sweet, right? Well, the bad part is that Amu is 12, and Ikuto is 17. Oh god, that is so wrong on so many levels!

And Utau is in love with Ikuto too, except they're brother and sister! It doesn't matter which way you look at it, both sides are equally bad.

Light & Misa & Kiyomi - Death Note

Light really messed up with this one. He used Misa Amane to try to find L's real name with her shinigami eyes. As long as Light pretended to be her boyfriend, she agreed. Even though it's quite obvious that Light doesn't love her, Misa is still convinced that he does.

Oh my gosh, Helen Keller could tell that Light doesn't love Misa. But it gets worse once Light becomes the new L. He wants to use an old fling from school named Kiyomi to help him speak to the owner of his old notebook. This way, he doesn't have to worry about the task force or Near finding out about him being Kira.

Light manages to trick Kiyomi into following him. She even questions his commitment to her since he lives with Misa, who even lied to Kiyomi about Light being engaged to her. If these two didn't act like a bunch of jealous girls, Near wouldn't have been suspicious about Light. But nope, Light messed up because he tried to rope two girls into his master plan. Way to go.

Yuki & Zero & Kaname - Vampire Knight

This one just ended with a giant middle finger to the fans. The love triangle between these characters was the only interesting thing about Vampire Knight. The anime itself is boring and feels like a chore to sit through.

In the manga, Yuki ends up sleeping with both Kaname and Zero, and she also gives birth to both of their children. I don't get why Zero and Kaname fought so hard for Yuki though. She has no personality, no hobbies, and the only thing going for her is that she's nice. Plus, Kaname is her relative, so that makes this gross.

Naruto & Sakura & Hinata - Naruto
Yoshino & Chiaki & Hatori - Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi

This was bad melodrama you would see on a soap opera. Chiaki, for the life of him, can't see that Yoshino and Hatori are after him. How? I know some characters can be blind to some people's affections for them. But when the only thing slightly interesting in the anime is a bunch of guys fawning over one idiot, it makes it hard to sit through.

And the ending was underwhelming, to say the least. Wow, the childhood friend didn't get the love interest they liked? That never happens in any anime at all!

Sasuke & Sakura & Karin - Naruto

The Newcomers

? Roy Mustang & Riza Hawkeye & Olivier Mira Armstrong - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
? Aang & Katara & Meng - Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Contenders
Momo & Toji & Sae - Peach Girl
Boku, Chico & Coco - Boku No Pico

When you don't even want to look up images of these three because you know how disgusting the photos will get.

Momo & Toji & Kairi - Peach Girl
Inuyasha & Kagome & Kiyomi - Inuyasha

This main love triangle was one of my biggest gripes with this anime. Kagome and Inuyasha as a couple don't work, and Kiyomi and Inuyasha are only slightly better. Mixed in together, it's just a pile of garbage. There's no trust in Inuyasha and Kiyomi's relationship at all. She seemed to only be there when the author needed a villain to fill in space.

Kagome and Inuyasha are the couple that doesn't get along at all. They bicker back and forth to the point where you wonder why they would become a couple at all. In the end, Inuyasha would have been better off focusing on one couple or no couple.

Eren & Mikasa & Historia - Attack on Titan
Yuki & Yuno & Akise - Future Diary

Yuki wants to save his skin from the Future Diary game. Yuno is willing to kill whoever to keep her precious Yuki safe. Yuki finds Yuno to be insane but only plays nice so that he can remain alive.

Then Akise comes in and admits he has the hots for Yuki. At least Yuno had some sort of reason as to why she liked Yuki, but Akise doesn't. Akise is willing to throw his life on the line for some whiny boy who doesn't reciprocate his feelings. Yuno just wants Yuki to herself, and Yuki isn't man enough to tell them both how he really feels.

Ichigo & Rukia & Orihime - Bleach
Hitomi & Kyosuke & Sayaka - Madoka Magica
Edward & Winry & Mei - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Goku & Bulma & Chi-Chi - Dragon Ball
Shinji & Asuka & Rei - Neon Genesis Evangelion
Soul & Maka & Blair - Soul Eater
Ren & Ann & Makoto - Persona 5: The Animation
Natsu & Lucy & Lisanna - Fairy Tail
Simon & Yoko & Nia - Gurren Lagann
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