Best Call of Duty Nazi Zombies Perk-a-Colas
Juggernog doubles the player's health. Therefore, in order for a player to be downed, it will take 4 normal zombie and space monkey hits instead of only 2. Juggernog will also make it so that it takes 5 special zombie (Hellhounds and Crawler Zombies) hits to down the player instead of 3, which is very important in the later rounds as the player can get double-swung a lot more often.
Jug is obviously king because nobody wants to get double-swiped. For me, the close runners-up are Quick Revive in Solo (picks you back up and a must), Double Tap 2 (2 bullets at the cost of one is necessary in later rounds when ammo becomes scarce), and Speed Cola (when you're reloading, you're vulnerable). Other perks are luxuries.
Speed Cola should be number one. If you're good, you won't get hit more than once, while reloading is a necessity. Being hit isn't. Reload quick, get back to killing quick.
Top 5:
Speed Cola (above)
Deadshot Daiquiri (quicker kills)
Tie between PhD Flopper and Juggernog (PhD: trapped in a corner? Ray Gun, ground. RPG, ground.)
Quick Revive (solo? Get back up. MP? Get support back up.)
Speed Cola reduces the time spent reloading weapons by half. It also allows the player to put up barriers faster, but the time between individual boards is longer to balance it out.
This is awesome because if you don't know, the Ray Gun hurts you when you shoot it up close. So, when you get surrounded by zombies and shoot them with the Ray Gun, you hurt yourself while they're killing you, which makes the Ray Gun useless. But when you have this perk, you can't damage yourself. Therefore, when you get trapped, cornered, or surrounded, you can shoot them with the Ray Gun and have a better chance of getting out.
PhD Flopper allows the player to avoid any explosive or falling damage. Also, when the player dives-to-prone from a position that would normally hurt them, a medium-sized explosion will surround the player and kill any zombies in its radius, unless the player is past round 22.
This is one of the most useful perks that you can get. Even though you can jog faster than the zombies anyway, it is very useful to quickly sprint through a gap between zombies or make a desperate dash to a Max Ammo or bomb. In between rounds, you can make it to the toy box without worrying about getting cornered, or buy a perk and get out of there before the zombies corner you.
This perk gives the player a sprint that lasts for approximately twice as long as usual, allowing players to get to places more quickly. It helps evade zombie attacks, possibly saving the player's life on each map.
Zombies that hit the player will unleash a wave of webbing from the player, trapping nearby zombies for 20 seconds. The radius of the webbing seems to be the same as the electric shock wave when the player reloads while using Electric Cherry.
Grenades, when thrown and detonated, will also create webbing that traps zombies for 20 seconds.
Each of these two effects uses one grenade, up to the number of grenades the player currently holds, up to 4 times. Grenades can replenish with each round, a Max Ammo, or sometimes a killed zombie will drop a blue spider-icon, which will replenish one grenade.
The player's knife will cause zombies to slow to a stop, similar to the webbing effect.
In my opinion, Jug is the best, obviously, but this is a very close second. This perk is very overlooked. Double Tap 1 is not good. It drains your ammo. Double Tap 2 more or less doubles your damage output, and you shoot faster. You also pump/bolt faster.
This perk enables you to not only shoot twice as fast like the regular Double Tap but also shoot two bullets for each one you fire, causing double damage per bullet for every bullet-type gun (no RPG, Ray Gun, etc.).
This perk should replace the spot Double Tap 1 is holding. It is a million times better for the exact same price.
Quick Revive allows the player to revive other players about four times faster. As said by the machine, it's ice cold. It is essential in later levels when players are going to be downed incredibly often, and reviving teammates is crucial in zombie-infested environments.
If you are on solo and you don't have Quick Revive, you will quickly go down. This perk is a must-have as it basically gives you two lives instead of one, which is awesome! It is personally my favorite perk-a-cola.
Very useful when a horde of zombies comes charging at you and your teammate is down. Not very useful early game, though.
Double Tap Root Beer reduces the pause time between bullets fired on all weapons by about a third. It is useful in later rounds when zombies have higher health and require a high number of bullets to kill. As it increases the rate of fire, it is the most risky since many weapons have high rates of fire anyway.
Double Tap is the most useful perk besides Juggernog, which probably shouldn't even be included here because it is obviously the most useful. What I love about the Root Beer is that 90% of the players online are box hogs. If you don't have anything in the higher rounds, this perk is super helpful. Brilliant.
Vulture-Aid Elixir is an anti-zombie perk. It gives you ammo, money, and the ability to hide from zombies. You don't need Juggernog, Tombstone, or Quick Revive if you can hide. It also allows you to use Double Tap more efficiently. It will always be the best perk, and you are practically untouchable with it.
This is the first perk you should buy. Don't get anything else until you have this. Just kill a green zombie and stand in the smoke. Zombies run away as if they just saw Chuck Norris glare at you.
This perk allows you to obtain a third weapon. Once the perk is bought, the HUD icon indicating the perk will be seen, and there will be an open space for a third weapon.
Despite not being Juggernog, it's the second-best perk. You can have your Ray Gun and Wunderwaffe, and a third, such as my personal favorite, Mustang and Sally.
It may seem great, the idea of having three guns. Until you go down and lose your wonder weapon that you worked so hard for.
The Newcomers
This perk would function similarly to Max Ammo. It was never implemented by Treyarch back in World at War and was most likely replaced by Max Ammo.
When are you most vulnerable? While reloading, obviously! So if you're backed into a corner with no ammo loaded, this will buy you some time.
Keep safe while you are most vulnerable. Good in every map except Der Eisendrache because the bows don't use the perk.
Amazing perk. Who needs Speed Cola?
Awesome underrated perk! Better hip-fire accuracy and auto-aim goes to the head (on console games). Even though this thing can't compare to Juggernog (nothing really can), it is still awesome. More headshots mean more damage. Combine this thing with the Python or DSR, which have a 4x headshot multiplier, and you are set for a long time. It is also relatively cheap.
If you are on Origins, get this from Der Wunderfizz if you can. It gets you a ton of headshots extremely quickly, meaning you can get a free Pack-a-Punched SCAR, Galil, or STG a lot quicker.
This is my number two! It's heavily underrated, as this perk takes away the worry of dying and losing all your weapons and perks. You don't have to revive anybody if they have it! That's insurance in a nutshell! Do you want to buy another $2500 for Juggernog or get all your perks back and just buy another Tombstone for $2000? The only negative is you'll die for the round and be forced to watch another person play.
The only negative with this perk is that the rest of your team has to be able to finish the round, which can be tough if they can easily revive you. Otherwise, if they are unable to revive you, this perk is great.
It really is the best because it gives you as many lives as you want if you play on single player. If you revive yourself, you keep all of your perks and guns. If you are playing single player and you revive yourself, you get to keep your Quick Revive and don't have to risk losing it after 3 downs.
Who's Who is an infinite solo Quick Revive for the skilled. It only appears on Die Rise, so the only other place you'll see it is in custom Zombies maps. Underrated but good if you get skilled with it. It allows beyond four perks if you pick up more perks in your "ghost form" before reviving.
This is quite useful because you can be sure you're going to get at least one perk.
This perk would increase the amount of ammunition you could hold. It was never implemented by Treyarch back in World at War and was most likely replaced by Pack-A-Punch.
This machine was designed to give the player Max Ammo upon purchase. The perk costs 10,000 points and can only be used once. Its color is baby blue, similar to the Quick Revive machine, and its symbol resembles a bullet.