Top Ten Scariest Planets Ever

The Top Ten
1 Venus Venus is the second planet from the Sun and the closest planetary neighbor to Earth. Known for its bright appearance in the sky, Venus is sometimes referred to as the "Evening Star" or the "Morning Star." The planet has a thick atmosphere primarily composed of carbon dioxide, leading to a greenhouse effect that makes it the hottest planet in our solar system. Surface conditions on Venus are extremely harsh, with temperatures high enough to melt lead and atmospheric pressure far greater than that on Earth.
2 Corot-7b
3 Jupiter
4 Wasp-12b
5 Mars
6 Corot-3b
7 Bellerophon
8 Earth

It's like what Morgan Freeman said in Se7en,
"Hemingway once wrote, 'The World's a fine place, and it's worth fighting for.' I agree with the second part."

9 Neptune
10 Kepler-78b
The Contenders
11 55 Cancri E

Look at this picture of a diamond planet. They have found evidence of volcanic activity here. Even a LAVA OCEAN. Other planets that are like this include:
Would it really be worth the diamonds despite the certainty of death humanity?

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