Best Toys for Boys Aged 9 to 11

Here is a list of what I think are the best toys for boys.
The Top Ten
1 Mini Plasma
2 AppBlaster

I'ts not just a toy gun. Look through the mini screen and shoot zombies

3 Ultra Shot Rocket
4 Gyroscope - Nostalgic Twin Pack

Spin them to impossible angles

5 Air Swimmers - Shark
6 Wooden Boomerang

I'ts not just a normal boomerang it has cool graphics and every different
Boomerang has differant distances

7 Hexbug Crab
8 Skylighter
9 Yo Baby Kick Flipper
10 Perplexus Epic
The Contenders
11 Nerf N Strike Maverick Rev-6 Blaster
12 Bop it
13 Pokemon Cards
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