Top Ten Classic Examples of Nightmare Fuel from the Tom and Jerry Franchise

The Top Ten
1 The Many Uncanny Faces from Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

You think this is nightmare fuel?! It's hilarious! Wanna see a Willy Wonka nightmare fuel? Watch "I've Got A Golden Ticket" by Meat Cannon!

The characters faces looks like their eating at your soul when you look at them.

Never pause anime, but it's Tom and Jerry

the funniest thing in this list

2 Heavenly Puss from Tom and Jerry

Just the premise alone of Tom faced with the possibility of spending an eternity in hell unless he can get Jerry to sign a paper forgiving him for all his past misdeeds is terrifying in enough but adding in the scene in heaven where a bag of kittens where drowned by their owners just makes the episode all the more upsetting.

3 Tom's Death In The Two Mouseketeers from Tom and Jerry

After Tom fails to stop Jerry and Nibbles from stealing all the food from the banquet that he was suppose to guard we get a scene where Jerry and Nibbles are happily strolling around after stealing food then they see from afar as Tom is being executed thankfully they don't actually see Tom get beheaded but we do see the guillotine drop and Jerry and Nibbles shortly mourn Tom's death then they go back to what they were doing as the happy music plays as the short end.

I don't understand that episode.

4 Jerry Himself In Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse from Tom and Jerry
5 Blue Cat Blues from Tom and Jerry

The episode where Tom and Jerry sit depressingly on the railroad as an upcoming train can be hear getting close and close as the short ends.

6 Invasion of the Body Slammers from Tom and Jerry Tales

I can only imagine the woman's reaction at the end.

7 The Alley Cats In Mouse in Manhattan from Tom and Jerry
8 Tom Getting Hypnotized in Haunted Mouse from from Tom and Jerry

I love that scene a lot in 1962

9 Fraidy Cat from Tom and Jerry
10 "Don't you believe it..." from Tom and Jerry
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