Most Beautiful Disney Movies

The Top Ten
1 Lion King
2 Beauty and the Beast
3 The Fox and the Hound
4 Aladdin
5 Sleeping Beauty

The animation in this movie is so good and fluid that it almost resembles a 90s film at times.

6 Lady and the Tramp
7 Cinderella (1950)
8 Moana
9 The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Everything about this movie is hands down the most epic thing Disney has ever done. Well, except for the comic relief sidekicks for the main character, that is.

10 Tarzan

The animation in this movie arguably went just as hard as the Phil Collins soundtrack.

The Contenders
11 Fantasia
12 Treasure Planet

Arguably the most visually gorgeous film Disney released in the 2000s.

13 Pinocchio (1940)

My only complaint is that they could have made the architecture in the background appear more authentically Italian.

14 Atlantis: The Lost Empire

Disney's artistic answer to The Iron Giant from an animation standpoint.

15 Alice in Wonderland
16 Encanto
17 Bambi

A massive visual upgrade from what Dumbo had to offer.

18 Lilo & Stitch

Dumbo's animation SUCKS! Lilo & Stitch should be ranked much higher!

19 The Little Mermaid
20 Tangled

I don't care what anyone says, the animation in this movie is far more appealing to look at than what Dumbo has, especially during the "I See the Light" song sequence.

21 Wreck-It Ralph

Much prettier to look at than the overly corporate sequel.

22 Big Hero 6
23 Peter Pan

The only thing ugly about it is how the natives are designed. Other than that, the animation here is a brilliant work of art.

24 The Rescuers Down Under

The only thing not so pretty about this movie's animation is most of the CGI that was used, especially that one egregious shot of the Sydney Opera House. Also, why obscure half the faces of the human characters when it's painfully obvious that you guys are perfectly capable of animating good-looking humans?

25 Mulan
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