Top Ten Fictional Characters from Different Universes Who We'd Like to See Fight Each Other

The Top Ten
1 Voldemort versus Sauron

Most likely Victor, in my opinion, is Sauron.

Ring in the sounds of spellcasting. Harry Potter big bad versus LOTR big bad.

2 Darth Vader versus Sandman

Darth can use the force to wipe sandman away, Darth wouldn’t be able to stab sand man with the lightsaber but the force can probably do something, and if sand man is trying to drown Vader, Darth Vader can use the force to choke or throw him.

That would be cool, as sandman is made out of sand, so the force wouldn't be that effective

I just had to. Star Wars baddie versus Marvel villain.

I call Sandman.

3 Toothless versus Smaug

Toothless with one of those huge lightning blasts.

Don't mess with dragons. We have a lot of natural weapons. HTTYD versus LOTR.

That would be cool, I don't know much about TLOR but I have seen HTTYD

4 Master Chief versus Doomguy

Two armored guys with too many guns battle. Halo versus Doom.

5 Master Chief versus Iron Man

Iron man can easily use his lasers to do critical damage to chief, and what is master chief going to do with a gun, I guess a gun can at least shoot the armor but it wouldn’t give stark any superior damage and iron man can use the hulk buster, nano tech suit, and python armor to dethrone chief.

This could go so many ways depending on suits and weapons. Halo versus Marvel.

6 Batman versus Spiderman

Two of the three most prominent superheroes (Superman is the third one)

Spitderman can web up Batman and Batman wouldn’t be able on get out, but with prep Batman can use his vehicles to support him out and can use his gadgets to give spitderman a run for his money.

Bats eat spiders, but the spider bites as well. DC versus Marvel.

7 Toadette versus Louie Duck
8 Nanoha Takamachi versus Hibiki Tachibana
9 Nanoha Takamachi versus Thanos
10 Michael Myers versus Jason Voorhees

Both have incredible durability but Jason would easily counter all of Micheals attacks and the dude survived the vacuum of space.

The Contenders
11 JC Denton versus Broly
12 Mettaton vs Jenny wakeman/XJ9
13 Captain Kirk versus Han Solo

This would be awesome!

14 Aquaman versus Percy Jackson

Aquaman is a copy of Marvel's Namor the Sub-Mariner. DC versus Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

Winner: Aquaman

15 Kirby versus Nathan Drake
16 The Genie versus Doctor Strange

Doctor strange got this, al he need to do is use his time warping to send him back into his bottle and blow it up, if that dose t work he can easily send him to the sun.

Magic is fun. Aladdin (The Disney movie) versus Marvel.

Doctor Strange would most likely win

17 Deadpool versus Dark Helmet
18 Darth Vader versus Thanos

Darth Vader can probably take away his gauntlet but with thanos soared he probably could do damage.The fight could go either way.

Do you get the idea behind this one?

19 Jack Skellington versus Grim


20 Percy Jackson versus Tsunami

This needs to happen now! Percy Jackson And The Olympians versus Wings Of Fire.

Depends. On land or in the sea?

21 Deadpool versus Yumi Yoshimura

Maybe someone would pay deadpool to kill yumi, but then they become friends because they have so much in common.

22 Iron Man versus Darth Vader

Darth Vader could use the force but Iron man can be fast enough to escape from Vader’s grasp and Iron man has range attacks and Darth Vader was damaged by force lighting before.

23 Deadpool versus Deathstroke

Deadpool wins because he can regenerate form what ever deathstroke throws at him. Nothing deathstroke has could take out all of Deadpool’s cells.

24 Mario versus Sonic

Sonic is way faster then Mario and with super sonic Mario is done, he could us the Star but can the Star really catch up to super sonic or even hyper sonic

25 Batman versus Darth Vader

Batman got this as long as he has prep-time. Batman can get the justice buster or the hell bat suit and he could take Vader to a lava place to burn him. But if there is no prep time darth would win

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