Worst Leftist Groups and Movements

The Top Ten
1 Antifa

The philosophy that is guiding their unhinged utterances is the same twisted philosophy that has led to the brutal killings under communist dictators like Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong.

At first, this sounds like an actually good movement, but I don't think they're actually doing what they claim to do properly.

I heard they literally target everyday conservatives and everyday Trump supporters. This can't be just me who thinks that this is just extremism.

This is rather legitimate, to be honest, but the system that the Antifas are "rebelling" against is far from being Orwellian fascist. I hold the same ideology as them, but I disapprove of their rather disruptive methods.

2 Black Lives Matter

The most harmful thing to the Black community. BLM encourages Black people to feel victimized and oppressed in America when they aren't. They constantly remind the Black community about their past and tell them that police officers are evil while ignoring the #1 killer of Black people: themselves.

They make Black people feel like they are being oppressed and label things as racist even when they are clearly not. Ok, so a Black person was killed by a police officer for trying to shoot the cop, and now that cop is racist? What the heck. This is a stupid movement.

3 LGBTQ+ Movement

If I say something negative about a group like this, I get harassed by them or supporters from outside their group. And yet they're the ones who are infiltrating places and doing things that I know real LGBTQ+ people would never actually do.

My memories are that these people are supremacists and have been the reason I lose my mind with leftism.

Look, I don't care if you're straight, just don't rub it in everyone's faces like the Straight Pride Parade does. They complain about oppression from gays while ignoring the fact that it's illegal to be straight in zero countries.

They demonize Islam but also support atheism, the most pro-gay belief.

4 Planned Parenthood

Responsible for over 300,000 deaths per year. Planned Parenthood gives good parenting advice but kills innocent children.

Believe it or not, they're the biggest murderers in the U.S.

They believe abortion is good when it's not for a reason.

5 March for Our Lives

I would never give up my gun! Why would I? So I could be completely defenseless if someone tried to break into my house? Yeah, not happening.

There are actually stories out there about a good guy using a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun, yet the media doesn't cover it (hmm, I wonder why). If you don't like guns, don't own one. It's as simple as that.

If you want to know what the gun problem is, it's people with mental health issues! The only way a gun will ever fire is if it's loaded and someone pulls the trigger.

After the Parkland shooting, a bunch of anti-American sheep gathered to protest the NRA (which had nothing to do with the shooting), trying to repeal the Second Amendment, and ignoring mental illness.

6 Take a Knee

And I bet the NFL wonders why its ratings are still going down. First, the cops aren't the problem, and second, you're being disrespectful to the military. Last year I tolerated it because I thought maybe the players would protest or something during the off-season, but nope! They're just trying to get attention.

This time around I'm not allowing it. If it happens, I'm boycotting the NFL because guess what? I need police to stop criminals and the military to protect the US, but I will never need a football player.

7 Me Too Movement

Just a bunch of crazy feminists who think women are oppressed in America. They hate men and get offended so easily. They ignore that women are mistreated in the Middle East.

Look, some accusations may be true, but I think a lot may be false, and women are accusing some men just to ruin their lives.

8 Khmer Rouge

While y'all complain about trivial SJW stuff, here's a leftist movement that is legitimately worse than all of them combined. This was the movement that ruled Cambodia during the 1970s under Pol Pot. They believed they only needed a million agrarian workers to fully develop Cambodia and discarded the need for well-educated intellectuals and industrialists.

They regularly relocated folks from the village into the city and urban dwellers into the village, vice-versa. They also killed millions just to achieve this "utopia" by killing off counter-revolutionaries, including people wearing glasses.

Guess what happened? The economy was in ruins, and refugees were pouring into neighboring nations before Vietnam had to liberate them.

9 Anti-Vaccination Movement

This isn't even a leftist movement. The movement is still stupid, nonetheless. Yeah, let's let our kids die from a disease virtually no one gets anymore! You know why you don't hear about people getting polio anymore? Because they got vaccinated.

I guess it's perfectly sane if you want your children to die from diseases and viruses that could easily be prevented with vaccines in the near future. We know what happened to the natives of the New World when many settlers brought pathogens from Europe that wiped out nearly all of them.

But either way, vaccines don't cause autism, people. Also, how is this a leftist movement? Lmao.

10 People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals A subsidiary of the animal rights organization PETA, Peta Games develops video games aimed at promoting animal welfare. The company's titles often carry social messages and strive to raise awareness about animal rights issues.

I don't really need to explain why everyone and their ancestors and offspring hate PETA.

The Contenders
11 Abolish ICE Movement

So you want to get rid of the people who:

- Keep our borders safe
- Hunt down pedophiles
- Find and arrest sex traffickers

Well, do you?

Of course, they do because they rely on illegal immigrants, pedophiles, and sex traffickers to stay in power.

Apparently, liberals want to help illegal immigrants more than our homeless population. Stunning.

12 Communist Party USA
13 Transgender Movement
14 Bolsheviks
15 Social Justice Warriors (SJWs)
16 Nation of Islam

Proof that Black people can be racist as well. You being Black, Asian, Latino, etc. doesn't mean that you're not a racist no matter how actually racist you are.

This African American group has been strongly associated with Black supremacism and antisemitism.

17 Fat Acceptance Movement

I'm sorta overweight, and let me tell you, being fat is not good at all.

If you think telling fat people to exercise or stop eating so much junk food is "fat shaming" or "fatphobic," then there is something wrong with you. You're essentially supporting a lifestyle that leads to obesity, which leads to diabetes, which leads to heart failure.

If you're fat, you're obviously not healthy. I don't want fat people to be seen as perfectly healthy because it just isn't true.

I think because of this "movement," actual fatphobia is being flown under the radar more easily. People would probably assume that any reports of legitimate fatphobia are SJWs whining about people saying that fat people aren't healthy, which they legitimately aren't.

18 Women's March

There are at least some supporters of this movement who are just straight-up misandrists and the reason why feminism has an overall bad name today.

19 The Resistance

Yay! Rebel against a free country! Smart!

20 Stalinists

Look up why people hate Stalin. It should be self-explanatory.

I also see a good amount of these on Reddit, and it's probably because of the USSR memes making people think Stalin was good, giving people who were already Stalinists more confidence to come out and openly support Stalin, or both.

21 Families Belong Together

This works fine, and I am in support of it, so long as all criminals who are U.S. citizens are released if they happen to have kids.

Alternately, let the kids go and live with their parents in prison. Both choices sound good, right?

So let me get this straight. They're focusing on, like, 2,000 kids who were temporarily separated.

What about kids who have parents in jail? Or in the military overseas? Or in foster care?

The ironic thing is that this protest started after Trump signed a bill keeping illegal families together.

22 Democratic Socialists of America

Democratic socialism is still socialism!

Nothing democratic about them. Socialism killed 90,000,000 people, not to forget Hitler was a socialist.

23 Defund the Police Movement

Bad police officers do exist, but the supporters of this movement probably think that the bad ones make up 100% of the police population.

Do you really want crime rates to rise since criminals now know that there's a far slimmer chance they'll get caught without the police? I certainly don't. Just get the bad ones out of the police force instead of targeting the entire group.

24 Never Again MSD
25 Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement

This list is terrible, but I do have some problems with the BDS movement against Israel, because they boycott a lot of Israeli businesses that are not involved in Israel's occupation of Palestine.

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