Top Ten Ways to Control Internet Addiction

We typically spend more than several hours per day on our phones, computers, and other electronics. Whether it's for entertainment or social media, too much good can be a bad thing. Internet addiction can deteriorate your mental health and can be a struggle to deal with. It's not just shutting your electronics down and going outside, but other methods you should consider doing. Especially if you're aiming for a productive life, you may want to try these tips, depending of how you are living. As internet addiction can be sometimes finicky to tackle, some items on the list could require some will for some, but usually can be worth it.
The Top Ten
Try cutting out social media

Social media is one of the most addicting things you will encounter on the internet and takes up a major part of our internet usage. Many people find it hard to back off social media since it constantly provides entertainment that keeps them hooked for hours, and it can desensitize as a result.

Unless social media is an important part of your life, if you have social media accounts that are mostly useless, you might want to delete them or at least lock them.

Consider doing other activities

Some people's goals aren't clear as to why they are quitting the internet. Sometimes they will get bored in the process and eventually hop back into surfing.

You shouldn't just cut or regulate your internet usage but ask the question: why? Is it for a hobby or something more productive? If so, it is recommended to pursue one hobby or more if possible.

Even if you haven't considered or found the will to pursue a hobby, try exploring some hobbies you can do offline. Basic hobbies such as cooking, writing, reading, and trying musical instruments are good options.

Get a "dumb" phone

Basically, a dumb phone is the polar opposite of a smartphone. Dumb phones are cheaper and typically have limited use, with little or no internet connection, although they allow texting and calling. They are also smaller compared to the average smartphone.

Keep in mind that they have a keypad instead of the mobile keyboard you see on screen, so this makes it longer to respond to texts and calls. If you find yourself surfing for hours on your smartphone, switching to a dumb phone can be a good alternative due to the limitations.

Keep your phone away from your bed

Most people leave their phones close beside or around the bed, making it easier to grab and scroll through the internet. Notice how most people nowadays wake up, grab their phone, and check through social media first.

Although that's not usually a problem, when it comes to bedtime, consider leaving your phone in another room as it will be easier to sleep without distractions. The closer your phone is to you, the stronger the urge you'll have to scroll through your phone, potentially disrupting your sleep.

Track your Internet usage

This is another effective way to know how much time you spend on the internet. If you are going to track your internet usage, it's recommended to keep a schedule of how long you will use the internet and pay attention to that.

Let's say you want to use the internet for at least two hours. If you first find yourself surpassing that goal, it's best to remind yourself not to keep passing that limit. If you have difficulty regulating your usage that way, set a timer and follow it.

Download limiting extensions

If you're having trouble curbing your addiction and at least want to regulate how long you use the internet, you can grab some simple web-blocking extensions such as StayFocused, Blocksite, and DFtube. These are recommendations you should consider trying.

If you want to regulate your internet usage but still be involved in social media, you can also try more obscure extensions such as Minimal Twitter.

Or if you want no mercy in eliminating your addiction, you can try going "Cold Turkey," which is effective software capable of even blocking your computer if you are serious about letting go.

Limit notifications

Ah yes, notifications. The most distracting feature of social media and apps constantly depletes your attention. Some will check their phones for notifications, only to become hooked for longer than they should.

If you find yourself as one of these people, try disabling notifications for a certain time whenever you are at work. You'd be surprised how much more focused you can be on a task without a nagging phone beside you.

Schedule your internet usage

Set a specific time for how long you will use the internet, whether you plan to use the internet in separate times or in a schedule such as 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Typically, 1-3 hours of internet time is recommended, depending on your lifestyle.

It must be strict, with no surpassing that limit, and you must stick to it. If you're having trouble regulating your internet usage and following your schedule, there are apps and extensions for that.

Explore the outdoors

Yes, this is one of the cliché pieces of advice (go outside), but you'll get a huge refresh on what basic life really feels like after all these months or years of scrolling.

Reach out to a support group

Seeking out a support group can be better than seeking a therapist since it can cost heaps of money. Whether it's online or in real life, some communities and websites are dedicated to helping you overcome your addiction. Seeking a support group in real life can also be a good opportunity, depending on your location, so don't miss out if you find one.

The Contenders
Seek a therapist

If you have a severe case of internet addiction, you may consider seeking a therapist to help you sort out the problem. This may not be the best advice for some as it can cost money, but it could be worth it in the long run.

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