Top Ten Horse/Part Horse Mythical Creatures

The Top Ten
1 Pegasus

Very gorgeous

2 Unicorn The unicorn is a legendary creature that has been described since antiquity as a pure-white horse-like beast with a large, pointed, spiraling horn projecting from its forehead
3 Centaur A centaur, or occasionally hippocentaur, is a mythological creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse.

Is a Minotaur also a half-horse. I just added it. Tell me if I'm wrong.

4 Hippogriff
5 Hippocampus
6 Uchchaihshravas
7 Tikbalang
8 Cheval Gauvin
9 Kelpie
10 Longma
The Contenders
11 Minotaur (Greek)
12 Sleipnir

Eight legged compass horse. Blackish-gray, fast, huge, and beautiful.

One leg for each compass direction. So beautiful, fast, and giant!

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