Top Ten Most Irritating Things About Traveling by Public Transport

*Shivers* Gah! Even making this list is bringing me out in golf ball size lumps but I REALLY NEED TO AIR MY FEELINGS! Feel the same? Have your own thnughts? Well? You knnw what to do by now...
The Top Ten
1 Kids

Especially when you're stuck with them crying on an airplane for 5 hours.

Especially if you're an introvert, you'll hate these guys.

Scream, whine, stare, jumping up and down on the seats...

Especially little kids (2-5 year olds)

2 Smells

Smells + Huge Crowds = Gross and not comfortable. I don't use this kind of transportation but if I did I'd be irritated with this

All kinds of strange odours...

3 The Heat
4 The Huge Crowds
5 People Sneezing / Coughing

Yechh... One time I was on an 8-hour airplane and someone was coughing behind me all the time and sometimes even sneezed.

Right on the back of my neck. Sick.

6 The Idiot Chooses to Sit Next to You

Why me? No. Seriously! Why pick on ME?!

7 Nose-Pickers

Seriously! Ugh! For 45 minutes of a journey there are these offenders who have a good ol' rook around, look at it, eat it or wipe it on the seat. STOP IT, you dirty birdie! Ugh!

8 McDonalds Takeaway Eaters

Trust me, it's horrible. And one guy said "can you have an apple, I'm not hungry. They're McDonalds, so they-"

Me: have loads of chemicals

McD Fan: Don't you dare badmouth my McDonalds.

It smells! And bits of Big mac gets stuck to the seats and on unsuspecting victims.

Wow this is a great idea! Next time I may tale with me a double quarter pounder :P

McDonald's is OK. Though you could have more etiquette by not eating them next to someone.

9 The Boredom
10 Gossiping Old Women
The Contenders
11 Miserable Bus Drivers

Even the sign above their heads which read "show the driver your pass" (rhymes with arse) doesn't make my day when I greet the driver with a friendly smile, only to be grunted at. It's not my fault you're having a bad day!

12 Old People
13 No Bathrooms

There are bathrooms on motor coaches, but we are recommended that we do not use them because it can stink up the entire bus.

14 Traffic
15 The Same Route All the Time

One day I'm just going to shut my eyes and board any old bus or train just to break boredom

16 Crying Babies
17 People Playing Loud Music on Their Headsets that Everyone Can Hear
18 Paying a Fee
19 People Who Think the Bus Driver is a Babysitter
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