Most Beautiful Twice Members
The famous girl group Twice debuted in 2015! Their song Like OOH-AHH is very catchy and well-loved. Their newer song CHEER UP is also incredibly popular!They are even more beautiful than other girl groups, so I created this list!

Tzuyu is the current visual of Twice. She was born in Taiwan and was only 16 when Twice debuted in 2015. I personally think she's too overrated in the group, but there's just something about her that made her my bias. She may seem like an innocent baby at times, but she can still be very extra and adorable at times, so that's why I love her. Also, she's amazing at archery.
Tzuyu, even though not my favorite, still has such amazing and surprising features! Her skin color is more on the scale of mid-tone, and is the reason why I find her beauty so flawless! Her dancing skills and beautiful talents are just the reasons why she is such a great member to me.

When I first saw her, I thought she must be the visual. In my opinion, she is the most beautiful. Of course, Tzuyu is also gorgeous (all of them are), but Mina has a more mature and elegant beauty, while Tzuyu has a more cute and innocent beauty.
Mina has such mesmerizing talent and beautiful features. She gives off Japanese horror movie vibes to me! She is that side character who secretly has been hiding her flawless beauty and extreme talent.
She's so pretty and elegant. The first time I watched their music video for What Is Love?, I couldn't take my eyes off her! She's gorgeous and definitely my bias forever! Love her so much, not to mention how professional and breathtaking her vocals and dancing are. Mina is always going to be the most beautiful and glamorous member in my eyes!

Sana is so cute, and her eyes are just so pretty. She was the member I knew about first, and she's the reason I know about Twice. She has such amazing vocals, and she is so beautiful with her high nose and charming smile. Definitely one of the prettiest members for me.
Sana! She is so beautiful and unique and was also the very first Twice member I noticed. She is just drop-dead gorgeous, and her vocals just increase the beauty. She is definitely one of the prettiest Japanese girls I have ever seen!
Sana is drop-dead gorgeous in literally every way. From her amazing vocals, her adorable smile, to the fact that she can switch from being adorable to sexy within seconds, Sana is the best. No Sana no life.

Dahyun is really gorgeous, more so than any of the other members, in my opinion. I'm personally not a fan of the Eastern look, but Dahyun really stands out in that regard. Her smile is really pretty, and her new blonde hair is stunning and fits her face perfectly.
Dahyun has always caught my eye. When she used to dye her hair quite frequently before, she just looked so amazing in any color. Beautiful smile and nice creamy skin.
Dahyun's beauty is so underrated. She's so beautiful, and her light, creamy skin really catches my eye. She also has one of the prettiest smiles ever.

Momo! Oh my god, her dancing gets me every time. Her wide eyes are just so beautiful and add to her unique beauty.
I get starstruck whenever she starts dancing. It's amazing how quickly she can pick things up!
Momo has shown her sexiness since their debut, and her pronounced abs will remind you of it.

I think Jihyo is the prettiest member. Not only does she have the most beautiful voice, but she also has very pretty eyes and hair. I loved her red hair in I Can't Stop Me and her short hair in Feel Special. She is everything! She is my bias. I used to think Tzuyu was the prettiest, but when I Can't Stop Me came out, I was like, Jihyo is the Beauty Queen. If you say that she's ugly, you're wrong. She is purely beautiful! Jihyo is also a really good singer. I love everything about her!
Jihyo! She has such round and big eyes! Just give me your beauty already! Jihyo has such beautiful features that I can't even imagine any human being could maintain. She has such a great temperament that makes me so jealous! Her beautiful skin and eyebrows are also another reason why she has such flawless beauty.

I found Nayeon was sort of 'not my style' for the longest time! Now I finally realize she is actually so flawless! Her voice and her beautiful eyes are just what makes her so breathtaking!
Nayeon has a very unique look about her. Even her bunny teeth can't detract from her beauty.
She is so gorgeous!
Everyone in Twice is like an angel, but Nayeon is on another level.

Jeongyeon, her beauty is so unique from the rest of the Twice members. She is like a knight to all her friends. She may not dress like the others or act like the others, but it's okay because the more she is like her own self, the more I find her very beautiful. You may not be on the top of this list, but don't you worry because you are on the top of my list of the most beautiful, caring, and loving person in the world.
Jeongyeon is so beautiful. Even though she may act shyer than members like Nayeon and may be a little bit more introverted (in my eyes), she is still such a beautiful and unique member! I love her with medium-length hair and short hair! But no matter her hair, she still looks gorgeous either way.

Chaeyoung isn't my bias, but she is my bias wrecker. Other than Jihyo, Chaeyoung would be my bias. Chaeyoung is gorgeous and deserves more.
Her big eyes and cute aura are absolutely eye-catching, and how she can look good in any genre. Her iconic lines are amazing. You go, girl!
She is so beautiful, and her stage performance is just so extreme and gorgeous! I love her unique eyes, and her attitude is just so flattering. She is definitely the prettiest member in my opinion.
Chaeyoung is my bias, and for a good reason. When I first saw her, I thought, "WOW! She's drop-dead gorgeous!" That's why I chose her. She has amazing outfits and perfect makeup. What more should I say?