Top Ten Most Annoying Things Fans Do
I'm not saying all fans are annoying, some fans just really get on your nerves. You know what I mean...I type in all caps sometimes, but I am not a fan of something yet and I'm a male.
And screaming about how everyone should like it.
This is very annoying. If it's not a comparison list, then there really isn't a reason to go to a list and yell at all the people who hate something. In my opinion, just never enter the list if you think that you're going to yell at everyone who doesn't like something.
Look at the lists Reasons to love Princess Daisy and Reasons why Peach is better than Daisy. In both lists, the Daisy haters would be waiting for a comment praising Daisy and then would quote it and bash that guy.
Look up Top ten reasons why Big Hero 6 is awful. Most of the comments are butthurt fans. Seriously?! This is childish! It's a HATE list! Why won't they leave hate lists?!
Now, I don't necessarily start flame wars, but I always keep this in mind whenever getting into debates with some users. After all, I can't just go in without any reasoning, or otherwise, I'd look like a total idiot. It would just make losing a debate even more humiliating.
There are these Rainbow Dash fans who say I'm a butthurt loser and jealous of Dash. If I hate Dash's terrible egotistical personality, then what's there to be jealous of? I am proud to hate Rainbow Dash. I am proud to be me. People can be stronger than me, more successful than me, or smarter than me, but they will never be the person I am today. Me.
I agree! People criticize Taylor Swift, for example, and then there are the fans who always have to say, "Oh, you're just jealous!" No, I'm not. I just don't like how so many of her songs are about losing (or potentially losing) a guy she loves.
Like a certain user whose name I won't be mentioning, who loves a certain fictional cat so much that they make a list of why haters of that character should go to prison and badger people for hating it.
That one person who kept saying Shadow is their lord and savior... Awkward...
If you're an anime fan, it's best if you try to ignore anime haters rather than reasoning with them. They're just not going to be convinced. Trust me, I learned that the hard way recently on here. Now I realize I should be worrying more about what I like instead of getting others to like what I like.
My parents like this show (Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat), which I found really bad and ruins history. They kept forcing me to watch it. So does my brother. He says the show is like Game of Thrones and Code Geass. How is this the same as Code Geass, exactly? Wow. That show was awful. I also got yelled at for hating it recently. Well, not everyone is supposed to like what you like. Accept that.
They always tell the bystanders that they are the ones getting bullied when they are the bullies!
If people think I can't do anything on this site, then I must do something to get them to stay away from me.
The Newcomers
Only people that crazy do that crap every day.
Worse, they call them "bigots" or "bigoted." Or "Trumptards" (yes, even when politics otherwise aren't involved).
Yeah, these types of fans are oversensitive as ever. Like, seriously, I'm sensitive in real life and I have gotten better over the years, but I don't think that even when I was 11 (when it was really bad) that I was as sensitive as these types of fans.
Some of those idiots don't know what the word "opinion" even means.
They disrespect haters' opinions, but they tell others to respect theirs. Hypocrites.
Please avoid the Sonic fan base or any other perverted fandom if you wish to not run into those types of comments.
Thanks to this site, I will always be ashamed to like metal.
I don't mean to say that I feel ashamed to be an Adventure Time lover. What I mean is that I feel ashamed of some people on the internet who claim to be fans but then ruin everything with terrible fan art and fanfics (read my comment in "Most Annoying Fan Bases". It begins with "It's my favorite animated series!").
They made me weep with anger and even caused me unpleasant dreams that made me weep too! My eternal love, Marceline, deserves all the respect in the world. She's the little bat I must protect and accompany to sleep with a sweet lullaby. My feelings are so strong that I often weep for her. If this isn't love, I don't know what is.
That reminds me of the song "E poi" by the Italian singer Giorgia (yes, it's my nationality) because it's about loving someone so much that you feel as though you're dying. In fact, Marcy, my baby, it's you. You're the most precious thing I could ever find in Adventure Time. And just to mention that song, "E se ti chiamo amore, tu non ridere" ("And if I call you love, don't laugh").
Fan: Wow, ________(insert a male celebrity/anime character/game character, etc.) is so hot! _____Senpai, please notice me and stop shoving your face at her! She can never love you as much as I do! She only wants to date you because you're attractive! I love you because you are the best of the best! Your girlfriend sucks, and I hate her!
Me: Okay, mean much?
Fan: ______Senpai! NOTICE ME!
Me: You know that he _______(won't do so because he's famous/Is not real), right?
Fan: Whatever! It's not annoying if it's TRUE LOVE! I LOVE MY _______SENPAI! GO GET YOUR OWN SENPAI!
Me: Since when do I want to be with your "Senpai"?
Fan: I can tell because you're an obstacle between ______Senpai and my love!
Me: Well, he's already in a relationship.
Me: Anyway, are you sure it's true love?
Fan: OF COURSE! I have all his merchandise and photos and made my own Senpai Shrine!
Me: (Raises an eyebrow in confusion) Like Ayano Aishi from Yandere Simulator?
Fan: Yes! But my Senpai Shrine is DIFFERENT!
Me: You know what? This is childish. You go crazy over your _____(celebrity/fictional) crushes and hate on anyone in a relationship with them, calling them Senpai.
Fan: Forget it! I'm gonna get my _______Senpai, no matter who's in my way! Just you wait! (Leaves)
Me: At least she won't go crazy over my _______(my crush). =3