Top Ten Hetalia Ukes

Who is the cutest uke? Vote for your favourite! And if he's not here add him.
The Top Ten
1 North Italy
2 Japan

Definitely Japan! I personally can't even envision Kiku topping anyone, even if he tried. His attitude is just to... I can't really think of a valid term to describe his full-blown personality, but, when even China can top you, that's when you know you're an uke.

He would not be able to top to save his life.

3 China
4 England

People say he's seme, but he lost his edge at that years ago.

He's a blushing mess at times and it's really cute >///< and a tsundere at that

5 Canada
6 Finland
7 South Italy

He's the best uke! He just give off that I don't care vibe. He holds his own but can still submit

Only for the ships where you know the other is a power bottom.

8 Norway

He gives me switch vibes.

9 Austria

It's true! Austria even said that Prussia invaded his vital regions! That means Prussia was the seme and Austria was the uke!

10 Latvia
The Contenders
11 Iceland
12 America

Jesus christ he is just so adorable and I love him

13 Spain
14 Greece
15 Russia
16 Poland
17 Germany
18 Lithuania
19 Puerto Rico
20 Denmark
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