Most Admired Holocaust Survivors

If someone is ignorant enough to add Ann Frank, I'm going to cry. It must be someone who Survived the Holocaust, the person can be dead from the time AFTER the liberation.
Please ad WHY you like this person and why you admire him/her most.

DON'T say anything rude about another that you don't want to be number one!
The Top Ten
1 Elie Wiesel

Showed great strength and determination, even thou he lost EVERYTHING he somehow survived and turned his journey into a lesson for younger generations (like you and me) to learn and never forget the evil of mankind and determination of the human race, in his book Night.

2 Kalman Aron

Never let anything get in the way of his passion for art

3 Bettina Le Beau

She is beautiful and on of the very few lucky people who escaped

4 Irene Zisblatt

Wrote The Fifth Diamond a biography.

5 Alice Herz-Sommer

Worlds Oldest Holocaust survivor Wow. (109)

6 Hannah Arendt
7 Otto Frank

He was the only survivor of the Frank family, and had to live on his life with the horrible memories of the camps and knowing that his entire family was dead. He and everyone who was hurt or died in the holocaust deserved so much better.

He was responsible for giving Anne frank justice

Why the heck isn't he FIRST!? Otto Frank was amazing.

8 Ruth Westheimer
9 Simon Wiesenthal
10 Gisella Perl
The Contenders
11 Tadeusz Borowski
12 Tibor Rubin

His continuous acts of humanism and bravery for others

13 Primo Levi
14 Irena Sendler
15 Itzhak Stern
16 David Faber
17 Simone Veil
18 Rudolf Vrba
19 Alfred Wetzler
20 Alexander Pechersky
21 Jack Tramiel
22 Wladyslaw Szpilman
23 Jack Gruener
24 Chava Pressburger
25 Poldek Pfefferberg
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