Top Ten Random Things to Say After Confessing Your Love to Someone

The Top Ten
1 Now, will you marry me?
2 Okay, so, who wants cake
3 Psych!!!!

I would say that to one of my guy friends after faking asking them out.

4 Now make me nachos.
5 And yes, I will eat Samantha's head for you
6 Will you be my date? This isn't working we need to end the relationship. Bye.
7 But you're ugly, but you're nice, but you're ugly, but you're nice,...
8 Now let's go get chocolate shakes!
9 I am also currently dating someone
10 Look! A distraction!
The Contenders
11 Give me a kiss in my personal part
12 Oh, by the way, what's for breakfast?
13 Lookin' good, reflection!
14 Skinny legend
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