Reasons Why Crying Helps

The Top Ten
1 It lessens your pain.

Actually, crying is good for you because, it relieves stress. It provides an emotional release of pent up negative feelings, stresses, and frustrations. Crying can provide a feeling of relief, even if our circumstances still remain the same. Crying is known to release stress hormones or toxins from the body, and as a result, reduces tension.

Crying is immature and not how to handle things.

No, Crying does Not solve problems.

2 It makes you more expressive.

No it doesn't, the person who made this list should go to college.

3 It lessens your fear.

It actually worsens it. Stop lying!

4 It allows close ones to know that you're troubled, and therefore, help you.

True, but for some people it allows people to know how much of an attention seeker you are

Not if you're crying like a whiny baby.

5 It cleans your eyes.

True, but crying does not solve anything.

6 It allows you to move on.

Sometimes that's true, but not always.

7 When babies are born, it helps in clearing their lungs.

I read that's not always the case.

8 It lessens the burden you're carrying in your mind.
9 It displays negativity but attracts positivity.

True on the first part, but not always on the second part.

10 It sometimes makes you feel happier.

Actually I have found this. Sometimes I make myself cry for no reason other than to clear emotional cobwebs. It really does help.

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