Top 10 Romantic “Would You Rather” Questions

The Top Ten
1 Take a vow of celibacy or take a vow of silence?
2 Be in a bad relationship for the rest of your life or never find a boyfriend/girlfriend?

I rather not find the true soul mate yet if the dynamic becomes too hectic I've seen this too many times where the person comes off goody goody, but then becomes an emotional controller its pretty sad.

Never find one. Romantic love isn't the only love that exists.

Never find love

3 Stay in or go out on a date?

Stay in, if the person finds that a bit odd so be it we can be mutual at worst.

Depends on the mood

4 Have an elaborate, expensive wedding or a small, cheap wedding?

Cheap, then I can spend rest of the money on a trip to Paris

I'd rather have a small, intimate wedding.

How about somewhere in the middle?

5 Have bad breath on your first date or have bad hair on your first date?

Bad hair. I can always bring a hairbrush and arrive early enough to find somewhere private (like a toilet cubicle) to fix it before my date arrives.

Bad hair, sometimes messy hair can look good in its own way

I'll go with the messy hair, a smelly mouth doesn't get the sense of well ''scoring.''

Bad hair, since I canbring a haribrush and brush the hair before the date

6 Have your mate/future mate say “I love you” too often or not enough?

Not enough, so that the happiness I get from hearing them say those words becomes higher

An act of care vs less care, and into question if this would work out for the better.

It's more beautiful to hear it once, unexpectedly.

Too many times. It makes me blush.

7 Date online with someone and never meet them or have a boyfriend/girlfriend that’s always flirting with others?

My senses lean more now on online dating than in real life which has been nothing, but fail.

I’d rather online dating because in real life I have not had any success and have basically given up at this point

8 Always have to kiss on the cheek or the forehead?

Depends on what my partner prefers. I guess cheek, but the forehead is nice too

Forehead seems too 'parent-like', so no

Forehead would be awkward so no

Forehead would be weird...

9 Have a date that’s ugly but perfect or beautiful but rude?

I rather fumble up words than to be treated like crap by the end of it.

I want a perfect girl. Looks are easier to change than Personality

Ugly but perfect

10 Have your honeymoon in France or Italy?

Ooh, this is hard, beacsue both are pretty beautifu lxountries, btu at the end of the day, I choose France because I'm better at French than in Italian

France, I'd say for the better preference venue.

Italy's nice, but hot. I'd pick France.

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