Top 10 Saddest Things that Can Happen in Life

"So raise your hands to heaven and pray, that we'll be back together someday, heeeey, tonight, I need your sweet caress, hold me in the darkness, tonight you calm my restlessness, you relieve my sadness..."
It's been years since my mother died from cancer, and this was one of those songs that made the grieving process even worse every time I heard it play on the radio or in bars. As someone who currently lives in rural Maine, that's saying something.
Now, I treat animals like children and have friends to help me when I feel depressed (I have mild autism, by the way). Going for walks or playing video games, like Tales of Vesperia, helped me get through a lot. There are ways to cope during the grieving process, and Heaven is just another life with eternal happiness.
This is by far the worst! If my parents died, I'd be sad but could handle it. If I died, my wife would be devastated but would eventually get over it. Even if I was slowly and painfully killed, it does not compare. The death of a child is absolutely soul-destroying and lives with both parents forever, even affecting their long-term health. If I lost my son, it would end me.
I haven't experienced this one personally, but I did lose a brother when I was young. I can tell you that I've never seen anyone as hopelessly crushed as my parents were for the next 4 or 5 months. If it had been an only child... well, I'm not very religious, but I still pray for anyone who has to go through that pain.
Knowing that this is the end, and that this is the last time you'll ever get to see your family or friends again. And as the pain stops, you know that you're already gone.
It's the worst pain in your life, even though most people don't experience it.
This is actually my biggest fear. I eat a lot of unhealthy foods and don't work out much. I have a fast metabolism, so I'm still very skinny, but that hasn't subsided my intense fear of diabetes.
It would be even worse to be diagnosed with cancer. Could a tumor rapidly growing in your body and losing your hair be any better? No!
All diseases are bad, and most are painful.
I think this is worse than getting murdered. Rapists should get a much worse sentence than murderers. Their victims still have to live every day with all the trauma while the murderers' victims were set free of it and are now resting in heaven.
That would be extremely horrifying. That would traumatize you for the rest of your life. There have been many, many people who have been suffering from PTSD due to that.
You would have to do something mercilessly terrible to get a death sentence.
I had 7 guinea pigs, a bunny, 3 birds, and a dog. I bonded with them so much that they literally felt like family. I thought it was all going to last forever until my 3 guinea pigs passed away, then my bunny passed away, my 3 birds passed away, my other 3 guinea pigs passed away, and my dog - who was there all my life and felt like a big sister - passed away. Then my last guinea pig passed away in January of last year.
I felt so sad, I just kept thinking about them and crying. It was hard to get over my guinea pigs Snowflake and Marshmallow, my bird Jimmy, and my dog Princess.
My ex, my Holy Ghost. We were getting married. I was so excited. I was a fool. Kevin smiled and laughed, telling me I was the love of his life. He proposed to me, and I said yes. At the wedding, he kissed my sister in front of me.
I exiled my family, and now I live alone. My parents beg me to apologize to Kevin, but hell no. I have suicidal thoughts all the time.
- Morgan Stellla.
Betrayal of the heart. I had been in love for over a decade, and I thought that I was the love of their life. The pain is unbearable, to believe that wasn't necessarily true. I feel empty, as if a great hole had been dug through my chest, an empty pit. She was my best friend.
I lost my sister a couple of years ago when I was about 9. It made me really sad, and my parents cried almost every day for about a year. The worst part is she died not even a day after she was born, and I only saw her once before she died. When I think of her, I will always remember she is in a better place.
I've lost two brothers over the years. I miss them both immensely. I wish I could still hug them and say I love them one more time. I would trade everything if that meant I had five more minutes to hear or see them one last time.
I sometimes feel like the world would be a better place without me in it. I pretend to be a normal person, but no one can see through the fake smiles and laughter. It hurts so much just thinking about how no one cares about you, and when you commit suicide, it will all be over. You won't have to deal with the problems anymore.
At home, my sibling is favored, and I get blamed for everything they do. I cry myself to sleep almost every night. It feels suffocating knowing that no one understands how you're feeling, and you just want to die. I once had this thought: "I bet no one's going to come to my funeral." Most people don't notice how much others care for them until they're already gone or dead.
I had these toxic friends who kept ignoring me, so I left them and found some new friends. Now these friends are ignoring me as well, which makes me want to commit suicide so I can never see them again. I want to end it all, and once, I thought it would be quite amusing to see how my toxic friends would react when they found out I had committed suicide because of them.
For everyone out there who wants to commit suicide, I feel the same way. I wanted to a long time ago. But I didn't, and you can find that life brings good things as well.
The Newcomers
My grandpa passed away in June of last year from cancer. Just seeing him suffer was so hard. I have to say, that was the hardest thing I ever went through in my life.
I am scared to lose my grandma. She is getting old and losing her memory. It really scares me that she is going to die one day. She is always there for me when I need it.
When my grandma died, I couldn't believe I could go on without her.
It's like being caged. I hate prison.
My best friend passed away three years ago from brain cancer. Honestly, this is a whole other level of sadness. Even now, as I write this, I feel that aching, heart-throbbing pain.
Oh my God, I would never have a new best friend forever. I will forever love my best friend that died.
I would visit them every day, pray for them, and I would cry.
My dad was a very abusive dad and an alcoholic. He had favorites, and his favorite was my little brother. He would make me try to beat him up almost every night, but my brother would win. One night, he destroyed every Lego set in my room that I had worked really hard on. He hurt me so badly that I couldn't go into stores, or else he would have been arrested.
He even once got so drunk that he hurt my mom. All I heard was just her crying. Then he smoked his tires and drove away. We had to go to our friends' house that night, and our friends spent all night trying to find him. Then one night, he got a DUI and went to prison for a night. My parents got a divorce later on.
Then, a couple of days after the incident, he got drunk and threw a beer can at the cops. Later, he was sent to Texas for like 3 months. Now, I have to see him every other week on Saturday from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
I think that this is one of the biggest obstacles people have to go through at school. I was bullied in the eighth grade. People would call me stupid, tell me I'm ugly, mock me, and treat me differently than the other people.
Getting bullied in school. Getting bullied by other strangers. Getting yelled at. Never getting attention. And never having a friend.
I wish I didn't have to experience this.
I wish I didn't feel this pain. People yell and steal from you. I remember this time I thought someone was my friend, but three weeks after, he yelled at me, calling me names and acting like I never did anything to him.
This happens to many women out in the world. We just need to be strong and know there is no one more beautiful than you.
This usually happens all the time with people loving famous role models.
My best friend and multiple other people...
Sometimes I miss being a kid because it was fun, and I was always happy. I just feel like whenever you go into junior high, that's when all the drama starts. And especially being a teenager, that's something that I have to put up with.
I miss it all the time, but it's always so fuzzy when I try to picture it.
I miss my early days so badly. I just wish time travel could come out soon! I miss it too much.

I have to be honest, it really hurts to see an animal getting abused. One of my biggest regrets is abusing my first guinea pig. It ended up dying because of me.
Animals are lovely and soft. Why would anyone out of 7 billion+ want to kill them? Are they out of their minds?
I have suicidal thoughts for this reason. I can never do anything right. My mom says she wishes she could hate me for being a disappointment.
I've felt like this so many times, and it feels horrible when your parents think you're not good enough.
Do you ever think the world would be a better place without you?
My father recently made a huge mistake and is now under investigation. He can't see me and my two sisters without supervision. When I got tired after being at the mall as a visitation for about an hour with him, I wanted to go home. I saw my dad bawling his eyes out and sobbing to where his shoulders were shaking violently when he got into his truck.
The worst part is it really was my fault, and my little sister also blamed it on me, which made the guilt build up more. Seeing my dad cry like that - the image and guilt for wanting to go home - will probably live with me for the rest of my life.
I have a lot of best friends. I love all of them equally. But one thing for sure is that one of the only reasons I'm on this planet is because of them. You might not know how many lives friends save. They are my emotional support.
I will always find a way to find my best friend.
Always making me cry. I have a friend of mine whose mother abandoned him while he was very young, and now he lives with his abusive father. He sometimes asks his grandma about his mom. She doesn't know a thing.
A mother should love her child, no matter the cost. If you're going to abandon your child, it should be for a good reason.
I get really depressed sometimes. I also have suicidal thoughts. My grades plummet when I'm in depression. Sometimes I just want to end it all.
This is one of the worst feelings ever. Please everyone, if you are depressed (like me), don't give up! You are worth it! It will get better. It just sucks right now.
This will ruin your life, drive away your friends, and end your life.