Top Ten Reasons Why Swearing is Okay

The Top Ten
They're just words

I don't know why "s***" is considered a swear. It's just a synonym for "poop." I asked my mom, "Why is it a swear word?" and she just replied, "Because it's just bad." If it's just bad, then "poop," "feces," "crap," and all the synonyms for poop should be swears too. It's ridiculous how parents and adults want to protect children from swear words when they've already heard many of them.

This particular item really gets on my nerves. If they're "just words," then why are people protesting just to use them? For every swear word, there's a non-offensive word you can use instead. Are there any people in middle/high school who actually get that?

Swearing doesn't affect your intelligence

My Physics teacher once told me, "We swear when we don't have enough words left to describe how we feel, thereby displaying the level of our actual knowledge and education."

I had mixed feelings about it, haha!

The theory that swearing affects how intelligent you are is overrated. Knowing when to swear and when not to can even show how intelligent you are.

If you do it too much, it might make you sound unintelligent, but not if done in moderation.

It helps you let off steam

I used to swear when I was 15-21 years old. It helped me be in a better mood. My family didn't care, but when I turned 22, my family outlawed swear words. After that, my depression began, and when I got into serious talks, I didn't know what to do in those situations.

I don't see anything wrong with swearing. We all swear sometimes. We just need to observe and check how often we swear.

They help you win an argument

If they are just words, then they aren't any more impactful in an argument than any other words. Also, has there ever been an argument that was won by swearing? More likely, either the argument ended because the more mature person walked away (which isn't a victory), or it turned into a profanity-shouting match.

Research has shown that mild, occasional swearing at the end of an argument can help bolster your case. But by no means should your argument sound like a Wiz Khalifa song or something.

Keeping calm and roasting others beats swearing hands down!

It's not dangerous

If it doesn't kill or injure, it doesn't matter.

Many people swear

Yes! This is true. Everyone swears on social media, YouTube comments, my friends swear, etc.

I don't mind it, but if 90% of your vocabulary is swearing, it just makes you sound unintelligent.

You can swear in real life a lot if you want. Everyone in my class swears too.

People who are afraid of swearing are childish

Not many people are afraid of swear words. Maybe they think people who swear a lot are childish.

People who hate swearing should get used to it eventually because I know a lot of people who swear.

It has been proven to make you feel better after getting hurt
Swearing can be used for emphasis

When used properly, swearing can be effective for emphasis in a conversation, helping to get your point across. For example, if I were to tell my father, who does not like swearing, to "Stop talking!" he would most likely ignore me (aside from the fact that it is disrespectful). But if I said, "Stop talking," it would grab his attention.

It's not against the law to swear

If you swear, no one will ever correct you. No one cares about swearing, so it is perfectly fine. I HARDLY ever saw anyone in my life saying, "Watch your language!" No one cares!

The Contenders
To make them know you are very angry
Swearing can make you sound more honest

But if you swear in anger, it will overshadow your valid points.

True, because honesty is the best policy.

This is true on so many levels!

Swear word protesters can't stop swearers
Swearing doesn't usually offend a person

You may not notice it as people tend to hide their feelings, but it can offend them.

It's better to swear than to hurt a person

Of course. Swearing doesn't make people cry or physically hurt them, does it? But swearing too much can be annoying. You can swear as long as you use an appropriate amount.

True, but maybe people could learn to control their anger?

Words can hurt someone just as much.

To extend our vocabulary in schools.
It means you're strong enough to let go of the pain bottled up inside of your body
They’re sentence enhancers
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