Top Ten Things That Hurt Way Worse Than You'd Think They Would
When Nicholas Angel said about being stabbed, "it was the single most painful experience of my life", it was an expected response. Getting stabbed has to be horrific. Naturally, you'd assume the pain would be intense.But what about the smaller things that seem inconsequential yet, when they happen, they take you to your knees? The types of things that certain profanities were almost designed for?
This list is for those unexpected things that hurt so badly it brings whatever you were doing to a complete halt.
Yes! I was hoping this would be number one. I had just said this should be on the list and here it is! My brother had a lot, and I would play with them. One day I stepped on one! IT HURT SO BAD!
Can't tell you how many times I did this as a little kid. As Tim Hawkins said, we should probably just fight terrorists with Legos.
So true. It really hurts when you step on a Lego.
I feel like my front teeth want to commit suicide when I bite into something cold.
The first bite is always the worst bite.
Wait till you get a canker sore from this.
One of my friends in elementary school years ago bit a hole in their tongue and had to go to the emergency room.
I'm a girl so I don't know what this feels like, but ohhh that's gotta hurt!
This happened to me more than 5 times.
Hurts more than everything else.
As an Asian who grew up with this type of discipline method, I totally understand.
I had 8 baby teeth extracted between the ages of 9 and 10 years old (6 at once, plus the other 2 on separate occasions), and the only thing I felt was pressure (since novocaine blocks pain, but not pressure).
I actually have had two teeth pulled and I was fully conscious. Didn't hurt at all.
I once broke my ankle while playing outside or standing in the grass. Now, I'm not able to walk on both legs because of this, and I'll have to take a break and go home.
I don't know why I did this. My finger got stuck for a while.
If you've done this, you know what pain is!
My fingers are massive. But still, why?
This hurts so much I can feel it right now, with safe hands. And that's never happened to me before.
Do you ever wonder why so many people wear goggles? Try it yourself.
Getting any nails bent backwards hurts really bad. The more horizontal curve they have, the worse it hurts.
I have to deal with them every single month since I have a uterus. It's annoying to deal with, plus some months can be better or worse than others.
It actually is very painful. I tend to end up writhing in pain and biting my clothing to stop myself from crying out, whimpering instead.
Ouch... Don't end up like Marv from Home Alone.
I have heard about this. Some people actually hardly feel any pain after the surgery. I may need my wisdom teeth removed in the future. Hopefully, the recovery from surgery won't be too painful for me.
I went through this in December and it was agonizing.
When my wisdom tooth came in, I was in CRAZY pain. When I told my mom, she said that when babies and toddlers are teething, it is also that painful. Funny thing is, I don't remember that part of when I was little, so it felt literally 1 million% more painful than when my baby teeth came in.
As cool as having extra teeth sounds, it is painful. Teeth are bones that you need to use to eat and survive. When there isn't enough space for all of them, they begin fighting with one another, and it feels like your mouth is being torn apart.
I have one right now. The worst part is you want to bite it because every time you close your mouth, it wiggles its way into your teeth. You just want to bite the bit of dangly skin so it's not there anymore, but it makes it WORSE.
You feel a bit nauseous and want to puke, but you don't puke. It always goes away after you burp really loud.
Walking is going to hurt from now on.