Top 10 Things that Will Make You Go Far in Life

Hey everyone we all need lives and things that happen cause it soooo
The Top Ten
1 Good Friends
2 Dreams

my dreams are unique, my dreams have always been uniquely different compared to the rest of my family, I see events 50 years ahead than everyone else, I even go 50 years back through my dreams, I encounter mystical mythical legendary humanoids beasts & monsters that have been mentioned throughout the eons. I have even gone to the actual corner & edge of the world & step foot on different worlds other than earth, I see men in black & other black clothed spies & agents through my dreams taking samples everywhere they go, these persons aren't human all the for each individual has a different appearance that is other worldly, the spies & agents are armed & usually are never alone, I even encounter a spy or agent that was either 16 to 30 foot/feet tall & that person was more than ready to a small atrocity to avoid getting caught by someone or anyone in general. The men in black in my dreams are suspicious & aware of their surroundings, they seem to have reversed engineered legendary tools & weaponry that have been mentioned throughout many ancient books, many of which have different time devices of all shapes & sizes, they even seem to imprison many beings for some kind of operation fulfilling their duties as ordered & planned, some men in black physically shapeshift right in front of me revealing me what they are & disappearing out of nowhere. The men in black have captured beasts creatures & monsters, the animals look about 333 meters to 666 meters, they sound like they like they are more than capable enough to destroy entire supercontinents, the men in black work with different humanoid species, the men in black never seem to notice me yet "Men In White" do. The Men In White are the opposite of The Men In Black & they have been against each other every since their alliances & forces first formed, I have caught them in small scale wars, some wars were more than small scale before, Men In White & Men In Black have diverse humanoids on their side, the Men In Black & Men... more

3 Music

If you can sing and dance you have the stuff you need to become a musical person

4 Love

Meet that one girl

5 Money

I forgot money

6 A Sense of Humor

Now don't crack jokes at serious topics but if you can make people around you laugh,You're good

7 Pride
8 Flaws
9 Sensitivity
10 Respect
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