Top Ten Ways to Annoy People In Certain States of the United States

So, this is my first of a new series of lists on ways to annoy people of different parts of the world. This may be a controversial series. It is stereotypical, so do not assume all the stereotypes are true.
The Top Ten
Always ask if they would like potatoes with their meal (Idaho)

Idaho is well-known for growing the nation's potatoes. We often see "Idaho Potatoes" on labels of potato bags.

Make sure all meals contain cheese in some form (Wisconsin)

Wisconsin is essentially the staple for cheese in the US.

Ask how many murders they have witnessed (Michigan)

It's sad that many people think Michigan is a bad place because of Detroit's reputation. However, the state is actually safe, except for parts of Detroit and Flint.

Anywhere you go, things are escalating quickly.

Wear blue and maize at a football party (Ohio)

The Ohio State University and Michigan (whose colors are blue and maize) are bitter rivals.

As a man born in Ohio, that is true.

Purposefully mispronounce their name as "Our Kansas" (Arkansas)

It's a hard name to pronounce at first, but it's not pronounced "Our Kansas."

I'm from Arkansas, and I joked around and said Our Kansas.

Ask if they've ever been bitten by an alligator on the way to Disney World (Florida)

I'm pretty sure that visitors from all over the country will be annoyed by this.

No, I have never been bitten by an alligator.

Ask why their state isn't called Cyrus (Montana)

Wow. Didn't get that at first, but after reading it a few times, this is funny!

Hannah Montana, the Disney show that Miley Cyrus starred in, gets it.

Ha ha ha! If I come to Montana, I might definitely say that!

Send a text asking how the weather is (Alaska)

Due to its geographic position.

It's cold for eight months, warmish for four.

When they ask for a present, give them coal. If they ask why, say "I thought it could add to your collection" (West Virginia)

The state with the most coal will be very upset with you.

Ask where the nearest marijuana dispenser is so you can "smoke on the slopes" (Colorado)

Two stereotypes in one. Voila.

Thanks for reading!

Haha, this was actually too much!

The Newcomers

? Talk about the Yankees (Massachusetts)
? Mispronounce their state name as "Nev-ah-dah" (Nevada)
The Contenders
Ask if they have ever slept with one of their siblings (Alabama)
Say "Howdy y'all! Want some bar-b-q with that butter?" (Texas)

I'm pretty sure this is actually how people talk around there.

Tell them you prefer badminton (Tennessee)

I'm sorry, this is just the lamest pun I've concocted in a while.

Ask if they eat corn every meal (Nebraska)
Tell them to "Pahk ya ca in Harvad Yard" (Massachusetts)
Tell them to find a historic monument (Kansas)
Say their accent sounds terrible (Pennsylvania)

You'll manage to offend people from Pittsburgh or Philadelphia with that statement.

Ha, we Pennsylvanians do get triggered by that. Although, I still think New York and Boston are worse.

Ask why there are no pro basketball teams in the state (Missouri)

St. Louis has had a couple of NBA franchises over the years.

Tell farmers to make more fruit (California)

Those farmers will tell you that your fruit will soon be bruised beyond repair.

Tell them that New York is better (California)

Vice versa. However, California is better because there are beaches you can actually swim in, amusement parks, good weather, and more.

Assume your guest likes peach cobbler/pie (Georgia)
Ask where the best place to die skiing is (Vermont)
Call them a hipster (California)
Assume your guests are Amish (Pennsylvania)
Ask why they are not miserable (Missouri)
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