Top Ten Extremely Lucky Outcomes that are Nearly Impossible

Ever thought about these kinds of outcomes? These all rely on luck by the way, no skill
The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 Surviving getting sucked into a jet engine

This actually happened. Look up J. D. Bridges.

2 Getting three or more perfect 7s on a slot machine in a row
3 Getting three 7s in a slot machine on your first try
4 Getting at least two Royal Flushes in two consecutive hands of Poker
5 Surviving a nuclear blast when close to the impact area

Should DEFINITELY NOT BE POSSIBLE but it has happened, twice, with the same guy. There's probably other examples.

6 Getting a Royal Flush on your first poker hand
7 Surviving a fall higher than 8 stories

There's been studies that 8 stories is a threshold for how people could survive a high fall, with above 8 stories almost always being fatal. There have been a few extremely lucky exceptions though.

8 Winning the jackpot in a lottery ticket on your first ticket.
9 Catching a legendary Pokemon on your first try with a regular Poke Ball
10 Winning a US Presidential Election with all 50 states and DC.