Top Ten Elemental Powers

The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 Nuclear

Nuclear power controls atoms. Everything in the universe is made of atoms, so controlling nuclei means you control everything.

2 Creativity

With creativity, your dreams will be more vivid and you have the power to shape worlds that come out of your imagination. You can influence what people think and what they do – fictional people and real people – if you use your creativity and words well.

3 Temperature

Once you can control temperature, you can control anything that has temperature, which is everything!

4 Water

Water is the strongest force because a lot of natural power comes from water. Hurricanes, ice, tsunamis and rain are all water, so water is the most powerful.

5 Wealth

Gold and wealth can corrupt people's minds and make them do terrible things. They inspire greed, power-hunger and bloodlust. Corruption and want of power are some of the most dangerous forces in the universe.

6 Dreams

Dreams are powerful because they show us possibilities that we could never think of while we are conscious. They open gateways to new worlds and show us things that we didn't even realise we wanted.

I've travel beyond spacetime & quantum existence in my dreams, I see colors & lights that I taste it throughout my entire body like being in a raging river, I see beings from worlds who are nearly as old as the entire universe itself, we are nowhere near as advanced & ancient as these people, these people utilize the entire periodic table & beyond it to bring life with art that is older than our entire solar system

7 Time

Time is one of the greatest forces in the universe because it always wins and lasts forever. It can never be halted, and all life dies by its existence.

8 Void

The void sucks away all life, and life is precious. It can not be stopped, as it consumes all. It can expand across time and space, and its hunger is insatiable.

9 Fire

Fire is powerful because it is burning with heat. It can be a huge threat and is hard to stop. It is a natural force, and that makes it more deadly.

10 Air

Some planets are made of gases, and they are all throughout the atmospheres of rocky planets. Air is one of the most common elements, and controlling it gives you a large field of power.

The Contenders
11 Earth