Top 10 Mangas That Were Better Than the Anime
Anime has so much filler that the Manga counter part is always superior.I like this one better, even compared to DBZ. It's so sad when it's ending. The sequel doesn't "kick" as much as the original series.
The anime is filled with fillers. I mean, 10 episodes for just 1 volume? That's just nuts.
One Piece is the best manga ever, no doubt about it. No offense to the animators, but I feel like the drawings in the manga are much better than how they look in the anime.
Nothing against the anime because it's practically impossible to reach the heights the manga managed to conquer.
It's the world's best-selling manga for a reason. It really deserves that title.
Sure, the anime was really good, but there is no way that anything can beat the manga. The art, storyline - everything was better. Besides, I genuinely enjoy reading the manga so much more than watching the anime, for almost anything.
The anime's pretty good, to be honest. The animation, the voice acting, the lighting, the tone, the feel, the vibe... But it's a shame that they had to rush the story so much.
Although I prefer the action in the anime, Root A doesn't even compare to the manga.
The anime was okay. It deviated from the original story a bit, and I really like Arakawa's art. It's one of my favorite styles, actually.
The 1997 anime was great but left you wanting more... Then CGI happened in 2016. This title should be #1.
Top manga. But in the anime, they skipped parts of the story, and the quality is bad.
Amazing manga, good 1997 (but incomplete) adaptation, alright 2012 movies, and an awful 2016 adaptation.
The anime was terrible. I can't believe I hadn't read the manga until about five minutes ago.
The anime wasn't horrible, but after reading the manga, there's no comparison. The manga was one of my favorite series I've ever read.
The Newcomers
They basically condensed a 17-volume manga into an hour-long OVA that explains little to nothing.
It sucks the manga was never officially translated.
This is what happens when you cut out the amazing bits and replace them with nothing but ecchi on top of the already great amount of ecchi. How much can you mess up to the point that you can't even continue to the best parts of the manga?
The pacing in the anime was terrible. They also changed the storyline drastically, seemingly for no reason other than to kill off more characters than in the manga. Relationships in the anime were briefly touched upon but ultimately ignored, even though in the manga, every single one is explored in greater depth. The anime even cut out an entire arc, with the whole cast of Wild Hunt not making an appearance.
The Akame ga Kill manga is much darker and more intense than its anime counterpart. I prefer the anime over the manga.
In the anime, it makes defeating the antagonists seem like a piece of cake, while the manga showed how worn down and beaten they were after the fight. It just seems disappointing as well because they didn't add certain aspects that could have made a huge difference.
The beauty of the manga was the unbelievably good storytelling by the author, with impeccable art overflowing with emotions. The anime somehow turned this masterpiece into another bland shoujo anime.
The anime sucked, but the manga is amazing. I'll admit I forgot it existed for a moment, and I can't even remember where the story is right now, but I remember it being so good. I just wish I would be able to finish it one day.
I really love the D.Gray-man manga. It is number one on all of my lists. Though Hoshino's art style changed later on, it was one of my favorites for sure, and the anime didn't really capture it well.
I completely agree with this since the "anime" is just really trash CGI and colored-in people. But I did commit to watching and reading, and I thoroughly enjoyed the manga.
The Dragon Ball anime was good, but Dragon Ball Z wasn't as enjoyable. Still, both mangas are better than their anime adaptations.
The manga for Attack on Titan was a favorite. With the anime, I was definitely on the edge of my seat, drooling. But with the manga, I barely held back from crying.
I'm absolutely furious that Lynn just had to kill Lucy/Kaede off when she deserved a brighter, better future than ever before. She's been through enough already.