Top Ten Marvel's Champions Members

A list of Marvel heroes from Champions, old and new.
The Top Ten
1 Ms. Marvel / Kamala Khan Ms. Marvel, also known as Kamala Khan, is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.

The fun and magnificent Inhuman hero and one of the founding members of a new generation of young heroes (despite the original Champions were the founders way back few decades ago).

2 Spider-Man (Miles Morales)

Sure, somebody needs a web-slinger on the team, take Miles for example.

3 Amadeus Cho

The brains and brawns of the team. Amadeus was once the Totally Awesome Hulk until he slims down and becomes Brawn.

4 Nova Nova (Richard Rider) is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.

The cosmic young hero of the team and always look out above for any signs of trouble.

Novas the boss

5 Wasp (Nadia Pym)

The daughter of Hank Pym and a smart girl on the team that knows how to get things done.

6 Viv Vision

Daughter of Vision, she's very useful for scanning signs of danger and she's also a living wi-fi.

7 Cyclops Cyclops is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics and is a founding member of the X-Men.

Only the young Cyclops was a part of the Champions but he soon went back to his own timeline. He'll team up with them again soon enough.

8 Ironheart
9 Bombshell (Lana Baumgartner)
10 Snowguard
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