Top Ten Cat Internet Memes

The Top Ten

Meet the Kitlers, cats that look like dictator Adolf Hitler

Keyboard Cat

This to me is the most famous and remembered

Business Cat
Invisible Bike Cat
Happy Cat
Grumpy Cat Tardar Sauce, was a cat and Internet celebrity known for her "grumpy" facial expression, and thus known by the common name Grumpy Cat.

I think that Grumpy is beautiful...

Chemistry Cat

I'd call this wisecrack a "smarty pants," but I'm not sure Chemistry Cat is wearing any.

Serious Cat

"I Are Serious Cat. This is Serious Thread" Serious Cat quote

Thurston Waffles
Big Floppa

The Newcomers

? Slapping Cat
? Bongo Cat
The Contenders
Nyan Cat
Hippie Cat
Fat Cat
Melon Cat
Bread Cat
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