Top Ten Millionaires Sayings

These are my some favourite Millionaires Saying .. Hope you all like it
The Top Ten
1 Work until your signature becomes an autograph
2 Have goals so large that small minded people can't even understand them

This one is my personal favourite... Because it is same in case of me, My goals are so large that small minded people can't understand them

3 If they say impossible .. Remember it is impossible for them ... Not for you

Even the word Impossible says itself - I'm possible... You just have to understand it

4 Work hard in silence , let your expensive cars be your noise
5 People will talk behind your back make sure to give them an interesting topic

Remember if people are talking behind your back let them do that because they are making you famous

Thanks for the publicity!

6 Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself

I love this too

7 Winners focus on winnings and losers focus on winners

Very good quote.

8 When you have a queen don't reshuffle the deck and end up with a joker
9 F.e.a.r has two meanings -          1 - forget everything and run.  2 - face everything and rise

I'll go with the 2nd one

10 Real men stay dedicated to one girl
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