Top 10 Origins of Gemstone Names

Unfortunately, the origin of some gem names is unclear (usually gems that have been known since antiquity).
The Top Ten
1 Alexandrite - named after Alexander II, a Russian Tsar

Because the first crystals were discovered in Russia in 1834, on the very day Alexander II came of age. The gem was later declared to be the national stone of tsarist Russia.
Alexandrite is a very hard and unique gem - it's the 3rd hardest gem with hardness at 8.5 out of 10. Besides, Alexandrite changes its color depending on the light (it can even change its color from green to red).

Boo, Alexander was a sack of crap.

2 Diamond - its name is derived from the ancient Greek word 'adámas' (unbreakable, unalterable, proper, untamed)

That's a great and correct description! Unbreakable! (hardness 10 / 10).

3 Emerald - its name is derived from the Greek word 'smaragdos' ("green gem")

Its name comes from the ancient Greek word "smaragdos" ("green gem") via several language modifications:
From Greek: smaragdos -> Latin: smaragdus -> Vulgar Latin: esmaralda / esmaraldus -> Old French: esmeraude -> Middle English: emeraude ->

Modern English: Emerald.
So, it was a long way from smaragdos to emerald (4 common letters remained - m, r, a, d).
This is also a correct description - emerald can be only green.

4 Painite - named after Arthur C.D. Pain who discovered it

Painite is the rarest mineral/gem in the world. It was first found in Myanmar/Burma by British mineralogist and gem dealer Arthur C.D. Pain in the 1950s.

5 Tanzanite - named for Tanzania, where it was discovered

And it's found only in Tanzania, no other localities

6 Aquamarine - its name is derived from Latin "aqua marina" (sea water) for its blue or cyan color

Aquamarine is the pale blue variety of beryl. I love 'em, the beryls.

7 Benitoite - named for Benito County, California, US

... and not after Benito Mussolini.

8 Musgravite - named for Musgrave Ranges, Australian mountain range, where it was discovered
9 Chambersite - named for Chambers County, Texas, USA, the site of its discovery

One of the rarest gems in the world

10 Jeremejevite - named after after Russian mineralogist Eremeev (Jeremejev, German)
The Contenders
11 Seraphinite - named after the seraphim, the highest order of angels

It resembles feathers, sometimes it's very strong and can be seen "flight feathers".

12 Beryl - its name is derived from beryllium, the chemical element that is widely present in this gem

Beryl is composed of beryllium aluminium cyclosilicate.
Beryl is actually a big gem family - some of the most prominent "beryls" are Emerald, Aquamarine, Morganite, Red Beryl (aka Bixbite), Green Beryl, Goshenite, and many more.
But when the word "beryl" is used to describe a particular gem, it's the colorless variety of beryl - Goshenite.

13 Morganite - it was named after the famous American banker and gem enthusiast, John Pierpont Morgan
14 Poudretteite - named after the Poudrette family that operated the quarry in Quebec, Canada, where the gem was originally found
15 Taaffeite - named after its discoverer Richard Taaffe
16 Grandidierite - named in honor of French explorer Alfred Grandidier
17 Goshenite - its name originates from Goshen, Massachusetts, where it was originally discovered

Goshenite is actually the colorless variety of beryl

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