Top Ten Most Interesting Types of Personality

The Top Ten
1 INFP (Mediator)

Other than a blurry line between intro/extrovert for me, my INFP is painfully obvious.

2 ISFP (Adventurer)

This is very me! Though I'd love to be the Mediator.

3 INTJ (Architect)
4 ENFJ (Protagonist)

I'm the hyper protagonist who gets off topic easily and has a habit of obsessing over something.

Hey this one is mine!

5 ISTP (Virtuoso)
6 ESTJ (Executive)
7 ESTP (Entrepreneur)
8 INTP (Logician)
9 INFJ (Advocate)

I just took a personality test recently, and I seem to fit into this personality type.

That would be me, and not too many others.

This is me. It's the most rare.

This one is mine

10 ENFP (Campaigner)
The Contenders
11 ENTJ (Commander)
12 ISFJ (Defender)
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