Top 10 Worst Personality Traits

I was inspired to make this list after meeting someone who exhibited many of these traits.

So, which traits are the worst to be around?
The Top Ten

Yes. There's nothing more annoying than someone who either won't take "no" for an answer or someone who thinks their idea is the grandest of all ideas.

Wish this wasn't a trait of mine, but it is. I have severe depression because of it.

Arrogance doesn't make you better than others.


All relationships, whether among friends, family, acquaintances, business partners, classmates, and not to mention S.O's, are based on trust.

If you can't trust someone, nothing else matters. They're "good for nothing" on a good day and nothing but a backstabber and a cheat on a bad day. It can be as little as lying about spreading a rumor to cheating on a husband or wife.

We all lie occasionally. Being too dishonest can make you unreliable, but being too open can make you an easy target as well.

Everyone lies to one another sometimes, but if you're in a relationship, you have to be careful.


I am convinced that ignorance is the worst character trait, even worse than the seven deadly sins combined. Arrogance might be bad, but ignorance is the worst. This kind of trait is the true root of all other negative character traits. Wisdom leads to morality as well as maturity.

It's a form of selfishness. People who choose to live in their own, self-contained world without concern for the bigger picture, the planet, those less fortunate than themselves, etc.

I once told someone I was depressed and suicidal, and they told me I should've slit my throat. Then their friend joined in, and they started going back and forth on ways I should've killed myself. I cried for a week straight about that.


This is the worst (along with making up excuses for everything you do wrong and never taking the blame). I rank disloyalty the worst because it is.

I mean, someone can be arrogant. But if they have at least one person who they would die for, they are probably a good person. I hate any TV show character or real-life person who demonstrates this quality.


Oh, come on. Arrogance is not as bad as those who are constantly being mean! In fact, it shouldn't be number one. It should be a number between 7 and 10. Arrogance is bad but not THAT bad.

Mainly bullies have this personality trait.


I do understand some people are guilty of this, but narcissism isn't a good personality trait to have.

I think this should be at the top of the list. Narcissists are absolutely vile people.

The absolute worst one.

The Newcomers

? Hatefulness
? Sexism
The Contenders

I don't think these people are as bad as narcissistic people, psychopathic people, and violent people, but hypersensitive people need to learn to take a joke.


I think this is similar to aggression. Well, there are violent people who stab and kill people for no reason.


The personality trait that most people in the world probably have.


Greed is one of the supreme leaders of the underworld. He has teamed up with Satan/Lucifer


Ah yes, everyone has probably met a so-called "psycho" at least once in their lives! This is one of the most well-known personality traits in our universe.

Plus, this isn't hard to define, so I'll define it right now. A psychopathic person is someone who is just plain crazy, and it gets to the point where their craziness has huge consequences! So there's really not much to a psychopath!


Hmm, this was a tough one to decide. I chose this because at least with traits such as arrogance, temperamental behavior, and demandfulness, they will get you moving and not sitting around thinking that nothing will go right and everything is against you.

Interesting list. I like it!


Hate this. These people manipulate, lie, and fake niceness for their advantage.

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