Top 10 Most Annoying Things About Kids
A 2-3 year old girl threw a tantrum in a supermarket because of a chocolate egg. A chocolate egg! It was expensive, and she cried. Kids aged 2-4 cry over anything imaginable. Also, I noticed the girl likes candy (no surprise) and when she sees some, she automatically wants it. I like candy too, but I don't overuse it.
It is so annoying to have a little kid throwing a temper tantrum! I should know, my little 4-year-old always says she hates me and throws a temper tantrum.
When he was little, my 7-year-old cousin would cry until the point that he nearly threw up. He actually threw up from his tantrums several times. SO ANNOYING!
I know this kid who screams so much, I'm starting to think that's her normal voice. On top of that, her mom only blames it on someone else in the room or says, "Please be quiet" to no effect. Even when that annoying little brat is literally the only one screaming, and everyone else is actually trying to quiet her down, it has very little effect. The worst thing about this is that she always needs babysitting. I don't know if this is a bad child or bad parenting...
My almost two-year-old cousin is sweet and happy but gets fussy in under a second. Out of her sight for under a minute? She will scream her lungs out and cry like the devil himself. It's horrible. In public? My ears want to bleed. I seriously want to tape that child's mouth.
My little cousins like to talk smack to me whenever they're mad at me or disagree with me.
Bernie Mac said it best on The Original Kings of Comedy: "If they're grown enough to talk back, they're grown enough to get f****d up."
I know this scene all too well. It starts off with a family day at my uncle's place. Then, my 3-year-old cousin asks me to go to his room to show me something. Next thing I know, I'm stuck in there almost all afternoon until someone has to almost pull me out of the room. Laugh out loud.
This is too true! Every time we have people over, I have a trail of little kids behind me at all times! No, I don't want to play. No, I don't care if Dora got a popcorn party! No, I don't want to watch your surprise egg videos. They can never leave me alone.
One day, I was doing my extremely important homework the night before it was due. Then, a 6-year-old girl I know burst into the room, making a crazy amount of noise and practically charging at me. She suddenly stopped, looked at my homework for at least 10 minutes, until I asked her to go away so that I could continue. Then, she gave me this idiotic look and said in her high-pitched, extremely loud, 6-year-old voice, "I don't think you're doing that right." It took so much to avoid throwing her and her dumb face out my window. By the way, I live on the 6th floor of a building.
It depends. If the kid is respected, he should be respectful. But a lot of adults expect respect even if they're disrespectful. So it depends.
When my mom babysat my cousins, they would tear up the entire living room and dining room and the stairs, and scatter toys all over the floor. If you attempted to move them or even clean the mess up, they would lose it and freak out. Even my mom would not let me clean the mess up or move the toys to the side. I had to risk injury every step I took just to go upstairs and downstairs! It's like stepping through a minefield in a war zone!
The only time we all did this and never cleaned up was when we were like 4.
Kids are always making a mess, and they never want to clean up.
It's true, this seems very rude, but I see some of these items as an "I hate it when" type of thing. I think most of us can agree that we hate it when little kids are stupid. Again, it is still rude.
Well, little kids are dumb, so you will have to let them learn. I see how you feel if you have a sibling who is 9+ and dumb, though.
Their logic is always a little skewed.
My brother is just ridiculous. He eats really weird food. Examples: hot dogs with nothing except a bun and wiener, pizza with only cheese, not even tomato sauce, dry seaweed, and noodles almost every day. Today he didn't want to eat his hot dog because he said it was too chewy. I want to scream because he is so ungrateful for the food he gets!
Kids today have no appreciation for how hard their parents work to provide for them, all the food they buy them, all the clothes they buy them, and the roof they put over their heads.
The other day, my youngest brother asked my sister random questions like how did helium gas get invented or whatever.
Once, some little kid saw me, came up to me, and started bombarding me with questions (How old are you? How did you get so tall?) It drives me insane when kids do that.
Why do we breathe?
Does Batman wear underpants?
Does God have a long beard?
The Newcomers
I wouldn't say that their taste is horrible, but most little kids really don't know what music artists they are listening to. It's absurd seeing older people shame a young person's taste because it doesn't fit their standards, especially when the kid isn't aware of the general consensus of what makes music "good" or "bad."
You cannot expect an average kid to listen to Queen and immediately like their songs. Let them be kids. Let them do dumb things, but correct them when necessary. The best thing about them is that their music tastes mostly change as they grow older.
I was outside flying a drone yesterday when some nosy kid started staring at me and commenting on every move I made.
It drives me crazy how they just never leave you alone.
Like I'm not Marilyn Manson, stop staring at me!
Yes. I hate it when my little brother roasts me and makes up random reasons why he's right. He acts like I'm some kind of bully, and he's the innocent, perfect angel. I get so angry at him.
A lot of kids just assume that because their parents make a lot of money, they should be able to buy them anything they want. However, these kids don't understand that parents have things called bills.
My younger cousins used to constantly make my mom buy cheap toys for them from the dollar store.
My brother bought this dinosaur toy that was like 20 dollars. It looks like it's from McDonald's.
This is absolutely true! Why do they say bad words if it's bad? I am actually the only one, LITERALLY, in the classroom who does not say bad words.
Kids today know so much rude stuff. When I was about 8, I learned my first swear word. And I didn't know what sex was until I was 10.
They don't even get in trouble for saying it in front of the grown-ups!
We all have to grow up.
The struggles of being an adult and realizing how much easier childhood was.
The only good thing about it is that their behavior improves.
It's better than being stuck with no freedom, though.
Well, I have an older sister, and I like hanging out with her.
I'm 17, and I kinda like Minecraft. I have seen many videos called "Trolling Kid on Minecraft." They are so mad and scream so loud!
I am in middle school, and I am sick of just hearing the word Minecraft.
Once I was with another kid, and we had just eaten dinner. A few minutes later, we got bored. I had an iPad without Minecraft and I asked for his iPad (which had Minecraft), but because he was a selfish little rascal, he only let me use it for one minute or something like that.
I let my brother use my stuff all the time, but when I asked to play on his DS because mine was charging, he said no. So I asked why, and he said he "doesn't like people using his stuff." Well, I guess I won't let him use my stuff then!
Once, many years ago, I was at a party and my sister was using my phone, and I was bored.
Me (to cousin): Can I borrow your iPad for a few seconds? My sister is using my phone.
Cousin: NO!
I think the creator of this list was thinking of one specific kid when he made this.
We were reading A Christmas Carol, and the guy was like, I feel so gay and happy! We all died laughing. Well, the boys did. And me. I'm a girl.
My cousins would treat my entire house like a trash can. When they were younger and my mom babysat them, they would throw up everywhere, rip up perfectly good napkins and then scatter the pieces all over the trash can, go in my room and touch my stuff, spill food and drinks everywhere, and throw toys around without cleaning them up. Even worse, my mom didn't even care!
I had a brass slinky, and he broke it TWICE!