Best Types of Hamsters

The Top Ten
1 Roborovski Hamster

I have one. Her name is Peppermint. She rarely bites, but she always poops.
Her middle name is Poops-A-Lot.

2 Golden Hamster

These are definitely not the best. They're cool, but the number 1 is a white and gray dwarf hamster. I had one who lived a long life and soon she died. But she had many adventures in her running ball and car, including one with my dog but that is a different story. She was loyal and loving and would always fight for herself. She openly shared her opinions, and in her whole long life she didn't bite me even once. But she did poop. And she was fat. I'll miss Beans, my hamster, and always remember her as the true number 1 on this list, no matter what you guys think.

Syrian hamsters are the best, roborovskis just are so small and they don't even play with you, they move too fast, and they aren't even fun, also they nip and bite too much. I have a long haired Syrian hamster and she is loving and loyal. They should be number one on the list, don't know why they aren't!

I have one named echo and he is so friendly and fun.

3 Chinese Hamster

I don't have any hamsters but I have held one at Pet smart and the Chinese dwarf hamster was friendly and didn't bite me any time I held it.I am only 8 almost 9 and I am hoping to get a hamster.

4 Djungarian Hamster
5 Campbell's Dwarf Hamster
6 European Hamster
7 Phodopus
8 Mongolian Hamster
9 Chinese Striped Hamster
10 Mesocricetus
The Contenders
11 Gray Dwarf Hamster
12 Russian Dwarf Hamster

I have had multiple hamsters throughout time and I have been studying them through the time being no hamster should have a cage mate or a buddy just because they haven't done anything doesn't mean your not taking the risk. My current hamster's name is little bear and he is a Russian Dwarf he's pretty cute and an old man rn lol.

I own a Russian Dwarf named Gia. I literally just added this onto the list because I was surprised it wasn't on here. I got to admit, I treat these hamsters like they are my own children.

13 Romanian Hamster
14 Cricetulus
15 Long-Tailed Dwarf Hamster
16 Allocricetulus
17 Eversmann's Hamster
18 Greater Long-Tailed Hamster
19 Turkish Hamster
20 Ciscaucasian Hamster
21 Tibetan Dwarf Hamster
22 Sokolov's Dwarf Hamster
23 Kam Dwarf Hamster
24 Sunfire Hamster

I have two subdirectories hamsters they're bothe really fat and cute and furry and they are cool colors like patchy and they've got stripes down their backs and stuff like that. I also used to have an amazing white dwarf hamster. She's up in the sky now

25 Winter White

I have a Winter White, and they are the sweetest hamster ever! If you are getting a hamster I would get a Winter White

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