Top 10 Best Ideas for a New Pokemon Move
Here are my ideas for some Pokemon moves. There's a lot of Pokemon moves that don't exist that would be cool if they were added. If you have any ideas for yourself, feel free to add some.Psychic type move that forces the target to use the same move the user used last. If they aren't able to learn that move, then they have to use a random move they know. Has 5 PP.
Okay, I misread it. It says the move the user used last and not the move that the opponent used last. My bad.
A physical Electric move that always goes first and always confuses the target when hit. However, the target loses a turn after that as if they are tired. Base power of 55.
Ghost type physical move that can hit 1-5 times. It has a slightly higher critical hit chance on one hit only and it can hit Normal types and Fighting types (pretend books and stuff are falling on the target). Base power of 15.
Well hey, this actually became a move thanks to the Gen 8 DLC. Except its effect is that it makes the opponent get attacked by its own held item. I haven't used this move yet, though. (And probably won't since the in-game opponents almost never hold items.)
Fire type move that deals damage and poisons. Ever get a fever? This is what it's like as a Pokémon move. Special type move with 60 base power. 90% accuracy.
This move could lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages and have a small chance to paralyze it. It also has 80% accuracy to balance out the paralysis. As for PP, I'm gonna say 10. That seems like a fine amount. Dark type, maybe.
A move that increases 3 random stats by two stages and the rest by one. However, the user forgets their ability until the end of the battle. This move can only be learned by a few Pokémon.
Grass type move where the target won't be able to attack on the next turn. 5 PP and 90% accuracy.
A Fire move like Protect, but it only works when the sun is up. When hit by a physical move, the user blocks the move and the target will take some damage and might get a burn. If a special move is used, the move won't work, but the user won't take damage.
Moves like Growl or Screech will go through this shield, though. Like regular Protect, the more times this move is used in succession, the higher the chance the move will fail. Heat Shield has 5 PP.
A Normal type move that has a different effect based on the user's typing. If the user is a dual type, its first type would be chosen for it. For example, if it's an Ice type, the target's speed will be lowered by 2 or 3 stages (62.5% chance of 2, 37.5% chance of 3). If it's a Water type move, the target's accuracy will be lowered by 2 stages. Finally, if it's a Ghost type, the target will flinch. Ghost Elemental Power is good in Double Battles.
A Ghost type move where the user faints, but the next Pokémon gets all of their stats boosted by one stage and heals their health by half. PP of 5.
This one would be so very helpful.
The Newcomers
If an ally Pokémon is Dynamaxed or you are in a Max Raid Den, this attack is a 120 base power Normal type move that can hit Ghost types. It is super effective in battle against the type of your Dynamaxed ally Pokémon. It has 90 accuracy and 5 PP.
A move that fully heals all Pokémon on the board if an ally Pokémon is Dynamaxed. If it fails, it works like Healing Wish. It is a Normal type move and has 5 PP. If it is used twice in a row, it does heal all Pokémon but also works like Healing Wish.
A little overpowered, but fine.
If the target is a Fire type or used a Fire type move last, this move damages the user instead. It has a 30% chance to burn the target. This move can be learned by Entei by putting it in a breeding center with a Ditto. Entei will only be able to learn this move if it is put in the breeding center during harsh sunlight. Learning Roasting Flames will take the same time as receiving an egg. It is a Fire type move with a base power of 120 and an accuracy of 90. This attack can break through Protect, but it fails in the rain.
Electromagnetic Pulse is a great Electric move with 100 base power, 95 accuracy, and may paralyze and lower Special Defense. PP: 7, Max PP: 20.
Water type special move that has a small chance of switching the target out. Accuracy of 100% and power of 55.
Miltank shoots milk out of its udders. In a Double Battle, it does 60 damage to each opponent. In a single battle, it does 120 damage to the opponent. Normal type with 10 PP and can hit Ghost types.
Does 140 damage, but can only be used when an opponent has a burn. When it hits, it will do damage and lower the opposing Pokémon's attack by 2 stages.
A weird and mysterious web is spat out by the user, blocking its team. This unique web completely shields the user's team from all special attacks for 5 turns, or until a slashing attack is used by the opponent.
Type: Bug, Status move, PP: 5, Acc: 100%
A spiny and incredibly sharp beam is shot and wrapped around the opponent, trapping them. The opponent takes damage every turn until freed.
Type: Rock, BP: 120, PP: 5, Acc: 90%
Physical attack
Basically Overheat but trades power for being able to trap the opponent.