Top 10 Reasons Why CerealGuy's List Should Be Banned In Germany

We know this list is going to be banned in Germany :P
No offense to German anyway
The Top Ten
1 Because his list is anti-semitic

What if...I Nazi you?

2 Because this list exposes Allied war crimes
3 Because his list contains the phrase "Sieg Heil!"
4 He thought Germany is a fast food restaurant

I like to buy Germ-burgers

5 He stated that the German-eagle was lame

And the Nazi eagle too...

6 He likes the song "Horst-Wessel-Lied" which is banned in Germany
7 His profile pic is the East German military emblem

Not anymore but still my profile pic is a East German soldier :P

8 He have been declared "enemy of the people's" by Ghost Honecker
9 His list title and topics proves he is weird and dank
10 His name sounds suspicious

I know right he might be the Illuminati

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