Top 10 Reasons Why Justin Bieber is Better Than Steven Universe

The Top Ten
1 Justin Bieber is skinnier that him

Seriously? Are you kidding? First of all, couldn't you find a better reason? What, can't find anything good about him other than his look? Second, I don't think judging appearances like weight, height, etc sum up everything about this list, and that's just unacceptable. Just leave this website, you feeble troll.

Don't judge people by their weight. I hate it when people automically think someone weight is what matters about them. Now get off TheTopTens you stupid troll

I am not leaving TheTopTens. Why would you ask me?

Remember guys, don't feed the troll.

2 Justin Bieber's hair is longer than him

This list indicates the downfall of our society

So obviously a troll :/

3 Steven Universe swears and Justin Bieber does not

Um, no- it's the exact opposite. Justin swears at people on a daily basis like the little punk he is. Steven can't swear because it's a kids' show but if he could I feel he would control himself. Why? Because Steven is more mature than Justin Bratty Bieber.

Steven Universe is a little kids show, so I hate it

Steven can easily kill that loud pitch guy

Steven universe is a KIDS show. Ahem?

4 Bieber is a better last name than Universe

Bieber is better, Steven Universe is for babies

No, pal, it isn't.

5 He is better than his Ugly Crystal Gems

Idiot! Number 1, the crystal gems aren't ugly and number 2, the crystal gems are better than him.

Why? Justin Bieber Is Actually The One Who's Ugly! Not Them!

6 Justin Bieber is hot and Steven Universe is not

Why would you even find a 14 year old attractive?!

So you think Justin Beiber is hot... I see...

7 Justin Bieber is stronger than Garnet

Justin Bieber Isn't Stronger Than Anybody. I Bet He Can't Even Be Stronger Than Me. Look! Just Get Off The TopTens You Stupid Troll!

By now I'm just laughing at how pathetic this list is, plus the troll face icon at the top

Yes he is... I extremely loathe all of them but Steven Universe is my most hated thing ever

No. Justin Bieber is a weak piece of poop.

8 Justin Bieber runs faster than him

And Do You Have Any Proof Of That? Um... Yeah! I Didn't Thank So.

This list is so lame holy crap

I regret this.

9 He is bigger than Steven Universe and his Gems

Not lately, he ain't. He got into trouble all those years ago, and he broke up with Selina Gomez, who is a topnotch actress who clearly deserves better than Bieber.

10 Justin Bieber Dates Prettier Girls Than Vidalia

I thought he's forever single because Selena Gomez dumped him.

The Contenders
11 Justin Bieber Can Cry Louder Than Centipeetle

Bieber does it all the time, guys!

I mean, it's true.

12 Justin Bieber is Hotter Than Jamie the Mailman
13 Finn the Human Stomps Steven!

What does this have to do with anything

One troll after another apparently

14 Justin Bieber Never Say Never is better than Steven Universe: The Movie
15 Steven Universe is cutesy

Sometimes that show is terrifying just saying

It's still better than Beiber though

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