Top 10 Reasons Why Lord Shrek Came In to Your House Like a Wrecking Ball As You Were Reading This List

The Top Ten
1 Shrek Needs Love

Shrek needs love and you will be his slave

LOL. This list made my day.

2 Miley Cyrus Said to Shrek "It's All Shrek Now"

Wise words from Miley Cyrus

3 Since Your Family Tree is A Cactus,Shrek Will Wreck Your Home

This list is Inappropriate and is almost as cringy as Jaiden Animations.

4 Shrek Will Kidnap You And You Use You As A Pilot for the Plane in the Twin Tower Attacks
5 Shrek Likes to Wreck Houses
6 Shrek Will Show His Mighty Ogre Butt
7 Shrek Can Do Whatever He Wants
8 Shrek Will Prove You That He is Better Than A Flying Lasagna Lamp Pole
9 Shrek wants to see what you're doing
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