Greatest Prophets In Islam

The Top Ten
1 Muhammad Muhammad ibn Abdullah (570 AD - 632 AD) was an Arab religious, social, and political leader and the founder of the world religion of Islam. According to Islamic doctrine, he was a prophet, divinely inspired to preach and confirm the monotheistic teachings of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets... read more

Our prophet went through loads of bad stuff. I just want to tell you that loads of people these days love Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W, peace be upon him) more than mighty Allah. We need to think before we say anything. We need to give more love to Allah instead of prophets. I am not saying our prophet is bad or anything, but a prophet is nothing similar to Allah Subhanatalla. Did you know when you pray or talk to prophets, they cannot hear you because they are in their graves? It's just like humans. For example, if I was all the way in Pakistan and my friend is in England and she is screaming, I wouldn't hear her. So, it is exactly the same with prophets.

Plus, Allah's favourite prophet is our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and he was the last ever prophet to be created. Allah didn't want anymore prophets in this lovely world. I love Allah more, and so does everyone. No one is similar to Allah, and no one looks like Allah. Allah is way more pretty and beautiful than us, mashallah. We are His slaves, and we do what is right, but we don't do what is wrong.

May Allah bless all my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters. I hope next time you will remember these things I have told you. Inshallah, I will be writing more stuff on this website. Have a nice day. I've salaam to your family and friends from me and inshallah, I will text some more detail about Islam.

Oh, wait a minute. Just want you to know Islam means peace, but it stands for I. Shall. Love. All. Mankind.

Oh Allah, help the people around us, help me and my family, help my Islamic teachers and my school teacher, but mostly help me with my wrongdoings.


With kind regard... Won't say the name, sos

2 Isa (Jesus)

Muhammad was called to correct the perversions of the Gospels by man.

Yehosua (Isa, Jesus) was Allah's true chosen. Islam is nothing more than what Isa originally taught. He was recalled, alive to the heavens.

Muhammad is the final prophet, and Allah's final chance for man. He sent the word down through his archangel. However, nothing that was revealed to Muhammad was new. Nothing was hidden from before.

If people would just have listened to Isa in the first place, and his teaching to submit to Allah (The Father's) will, and to worship and praise and love Him alone, then Muhammad would never have needed to be called.

Allah knows all though, and His perfect will be done.

3 Ibrahim (Abraham)

Prophet Ibrahim deserves to be ranked second due to the fact that he made the biggest sacrifice of his son for Allah SWT. He is the forefather of many important and great prophets in Islam, such as Isa AS, Musa AS, Prophet Muhammad SAW, and so on.

This guy found Mecca. Why is he not number 2?

4 Musa (Moses) Moses is a prophet in Abrahamic religions. He is the Lawgiver of Judaism. God sent him to the Pharaoh in Egypt to tell him to release the children of Israel from bondage. When the Pharaoh disobeyed God, God sent 10 plagues. Finally, Pharaoh relented, and Moses led the children out of Israel (through... read more
5 Yusuf (Joseph)

I think this prophet was successful in life and is a popular name, such as my cousin's name.

6 Adem (Adam)

He was the first human in existence. He is the reason we are here.

Adam AS is the grandfather of all people.

7 Nuh (Noah)

Because he did a very lot of work to build the ship and survive the flood.

8 Sulaiman (Solomon)
9 Idris (Enoch)

He was the first person to start writing. No one knew how to write before him.

10 Daud (David)

He is more important than 14th in my opinion (he is 14th at the time of posting this, I cannot predict the future, so sorry if he isn't 14th anymore).

The Contenders
11 Ayyub (Job)

I had read the story of Prophet Ayyub (peace be upon him). And I adored Him so much after that. He is a man with golden patience. He truly inspired me with His patience and how He never followed Satan so many times. He was provoked but He refused to listen to him, mashallah. That even Satan gave up on Him. Allah gave Him the strongest heart and deen. May Allah grant Him the highest of paradise, amen.

Ya Allah, Ya Allah. Prophet Job has the most beautiful story. I learned to value his patience.

12 Ismail (Ishmael)
13 Zakaria (Zechariah)
14 Yaqub
15 Yahya (John the Baptist)
16 Harun (Aaron)
17 Luth (Lot)
18 Shuayb

He is an amazing prophet. He tried to lead his people through the correct path and told them to, as he was waiting himself.

19 Ilyas (Elijah)

All are prophets sent by Allah for the benefit of people and to take the correct path. But the last book of law, that is the Quran Shareef, written by Allah is final above all. And the last prophet, Mohammad (peace be upon him), is final above all. He is the final guider of Islam. His life is a beacon for everyone. He personally showed people the way.

20 Al-yasa (Elisha)
21 Yunus (Jonah)

Yunus AS lived inside the fish for a few years.

22 Salim
23 Hazeat Ali A.S
24 Salih

Salih was a prophet of ancient Arabia mentioned in the Qur'an, who prophesied to the tribe of Thamud. Salih is sometimes equated with Shelakh, a figure from the Hebrew Bible.

25 Ishaq (Isaac)
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