Top 10 Best Christian Denominations

Jesus said Peter would lead the Church on Earth (Matthew 16:18).
Jesus called Mary our mother (John 19:27).
Jesus said to remember Him in the Eucharist (1 Corinthians 11:24).
Jesus gave the apostles and their successors the ability to take confessions (John 20:23).
Jesus said He is God (Luke 18:19).
You can't see Catholicism without seeing the Lord Jesus Christ at its core.
The original and still the best. Catholicism was established by Christ and carried on by Peter, the apostles, and their successors. It has lasted for about 2,000 years, with many miracles and followers to back it up.
In a nutshell: unbiased Christianity. Non-denominational Christians do not exert unnecessary efforts to stress that they belong to a particular denominational title that separates itself from others. We belong to God and Jesus, and no other title or rule of man fences in our actions or faith from different interpretations of the Lord's word. We answer to The Good Lord, our one true, original Father. We believe His son Jesus came down to Earth to teach us the right ways to conduct our lives, and He sacrificed His pure life so that we can be saved through our faith.
We believe that we do not need the blessing or approval of church leaders or members of a congregation to be worthy of God's love. God's love is our birthright. We believe that we are no holier than the next Christian who sits beside us because we are all God's children, and we are all loved by Him. A lot of confusion exists about Christianity because there are so many separate denominations out there claiming that they are the one true path to God. Where some denominations may exist to state their seniority or superiority over other groups or to focus on their varied interpretations of what God wants for us, at the base of it all, it's what divides God's children.
Division among us is not what God intended for His people. On the contrary, He wants us to be unified in our faith. Non-denominational Christians live a religious life that is not held back by the complications that come with struggling to belong to one of many separate denominations. Non-denominational Christianity is a simple yet enriching walk through life with God.
Another reformed guy. He and Calvin disagreed on the sacraments and on the act of worship.
As an Orthodox Christian all my life, I know a lot about it. First of all, we pray to the saints frequently - the Theotokos (Mary), Jesus, God, and the rest. It's really pious, but not as strict as Catholics. We consider ourselves to be the "fun uncle, who is serious sometimes."
It's literally praying to Jesus himself, not asking other saints, with all due respect, to do our work by asking God for our needs. But we all believe in Christ our Savior!
Older than Catholicism and kept the faith without changing its core doctrine.
I've read the Bible cover to cover, and everything in Pentecostalism aligns correctly. A scripture Baptists often quote is when Paul said that tongues would cease someday. However, he also said that knowledge would cease in the same verse. Has knowledge ceased yet? No. I believe tongues will cease in Heaven because we'll be in our glorified bodies, so we won't need tongues. For now, to do the things God commanded us to do, we need the gifts of the Spirit, including tongues.
Pentecostals believe in the original biblical doctrine. They didn't believe in the doctrines made after the death of the apostles. This is the way to Heaven.
We are accepting and open-minded but use traditional worship. Very raw.
Best community work and welcoming programs. Practical and not "in your face." Also, it's a reformed version of the Episcopal Church versus all other Protestant sects, which are reforms from Martin Luther and Calvin.
Methodism is one of the oldest Evangelical Mainline Protestant Churches, where other newer Christian groups sprung up. It has approximately 80 million members worldwide.
True Methodists are Orthodox in belief and evangelical in practice.
Very intellectual and very Biblical. Presbyterians understand that specific parts of the Bible must be interpreted differently. They also are not afraid of hard truths and heavy theology.
Worship is beautiful - very traditional, but not in a way that is above scripture. Presbyterians are thoughtful people who revere God and lean on Scripture for everything. Easily the most Biblical form of Christianity!
I enjoy Presbyterianism. I feel like each religion offers different viewpoints and options, but I like Presbyterianism because it allows freedom of thought. Not everything in the Bible should be taken literally, and it's good to look at it from different angles and formulate my own interpretation. I'm not very religious, and my immediate family and I do not attend church, but I do believe, and I feel that Presbyterianism is the way for me. It's been in our family for a while.
More focus on spirituality. Christianity's version of Buddhism.
The Newcomers
They preach the Gospel and follow Christ's words on baptism. They believe you go to Paradise when you die if you have Jesus, and if you don't, they believe you will go elsewhere. They believe in making melody with your heart, not with instruments. Very friendly people with tons of activities for the youth. They believe the Bible is the source of your life, and they also believe in reading directly from the Bible.
The true church that teaches real doctrine straight out of the Bible.
Biblically based. Doctrinally sound. God's true church.
One true denomination. Repent and accept Christ.
I am not an Adventist but am planning to be one. In the past, I had been studying with several faith groups, including almost all found on this site, yet I haven't found one that teaches as the Adventist does. They teach salvation by grace through faith, a faith that submits to God through His Spirit's influence in their lives, producing transformed lives seen in the way they love God and keep His commandments - not just eight or nine, as most others do, but all ten commandments, including the whole Seventh-day Sabbath. They believe and accept the Bible as the one and final authority of their faith and practice.
They have shown deep interest in physical, mental, social, and spiritual care as evidenced in their education programs (owning and operating the largest Protestant parochial school system worldwide), healthcare programs (owning and operating one of the largest hospital networks worldwide), and church preaching ministries (with works established in 206 countries). Healing, teaching, and preaching are exactly what Christ did in His earthly ministry (Matt. 4:23). Their emphasis on a healthy lifestyle, as documented in the study of the 'Blue Zones,' makes me feel that I need to receive Jesus in my life and be conscious always that my body is His temple, and that I should not put anything that defiles or destroys the body-temple of Jesus (1 Cor. 10:31).
I have seen many Adventists in my place, and Christ's life in them indeed makes a difference. Their "blessed hope" is the coming of Jesus Christ. Very soon, I will be one of them by God's grace.
I believe that Calvinism most closely follows the Bible. I don't like that it's called Calvinism. John Calvin just used what early church fathers like Augustine and Athanasius taught and went deeper. And the early church fathers got their knowledge from the Bible. Therefore, Calvin got his knowledge from the Bible.
Coptic is the best. Just look at Egypt - living alongside Muslims requires one to be a saint. I've never seen any people as kind as them. Seriously, this must be at the top.
Copts have suffered from the time of Saint Mark until now, and yet the Coptic religion still survives to this day.
Having grown up in an Amish area of Ohio, I have great respect for the Amish. However, very few "become" Amish. You pretty much have to be born Amish.