Top 10 Things Associated With Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone! Let's take a look at the things associated with Christmas. The rankings are based on how much these things are associated with the holiday.
I love putting up the Christmas tree. It really makes your house more festive on the inside. It's nice to put ornaments on the tree and put a train on tracks around it.
You just can't celebrate Christmas without the tree. You just cannot. This is also where you will find the presents.
Every time it's Christmas, I like to decorate the Christmas tree with all the beautiful decorations and Christmas lights. They look really pretty.

Of course, Santa Claus is at #1. What else is as well-known as him? Santa just represents jolliness. He will bring you presents if you are nice. He has starred in practically every Christmas movie, and he's at least mentioned in most Christmas songs.

This is the reason why Christmas is so exciting for most people. It is believed that Santa brings you presents if you are nice. If you are naughty, however, you get coal.
Every Christmas, I can't wait to open my presents. It's a shame that poor people can't get presents, but at least there are programs that try to get presents to people who can't afford them.

Who doesn't love Christmas music? You can play Christmas songs to get more into the spirit of the holiday. Christmas songs just make you feel excited and happy.
My favorite Christmas song would probably have to be "Sleigh Ride." I hate the song "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" though. It's just so corny and annoying.

I love Christmas movies and specials. They are just so entertaining. Sure, they can be a little corny, but they get you into the Christmas spirit.
My favorite Christmas movie is Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, the stop-motion one. The songs are great, the reindeer are cute, and it has a great ending. Also, my favorite special is the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "Christmas Who?" There were good jokes, a great song, and Squidward really redeemed himself at the end.
I used to love watching Christmas movies when I was younger. Brings back good memories.

Christmas cookies are delicious. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. The ingredients you need are sugar cookie dough, flour, sprinkles, vanilla, powdered sugar, and food coloring.
You will also need cookie cutters, a spatula, cooling racks, cookie sheets, parchment paper, oven mitts, and plastic squeeze bottles. Further instructions can be found in the link in the description.

Hot chocolate is good for when you return from the snow. It really warms you up. According to, hot cocoa is nutritious, containing fiber and iron. It also promotes heart health, aids memory, and makes you happy. Guess there's more to hot chocolate than I thought.

Snow is simply great. It allows you to have a day off school. You can have snowball fights with people, and you can build anything you want with it, whether it's a fort, snowman, or an igloo.
You can slide down the hill with a sled or make snow angels. Do whatever you want in the snow, just remember to bring a coat and gloves.

Of course, Santa's famous reindeer. He leads Santa in the skies, and the reindeer who teased him now respect him. Rudolph has had some movies and a song.
My favorite Rudolph movie is the stop-motion movie. The reindeer look cute in that movie.
I love reindeer, and Rudolph is very cute. Almost everybody knows about the adorable reindeer with the shiny red nose. Santa has all of his reindeer to help him fly on his Christmas sleigh as well.
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I love seeing lights at night. They're beautiful!

Love gingerbread houses! My brother and I are always silly with these.