Top 10 Ways to Tell If a Boy Likes You
If you're a girl and wondering if a guy likes you, check to see if he does any of the things on this list. He might really like you!In my entire life, I've only had one major crush. It started in 6th grade with this guy who sat next to me in my Math and Designs elective. He always tried to make me laugh with his designs and math jokes (which were lame, but super endearing). He was a major dork who loved classical music, played the piano, and was completely quirky.
He practically did everything on this list to get my attention. We both knew we liked each other because my not-so-secretive friends dropped major hints to him, and his not-so-secretive friends dropped major hints to me. I was too shy, and my social anxiety stopped me from telling him. I don't know what his excuse was, but he never told me either. We both knew and were in deep denial, but we just never confessed to one another.
This continued all through middle school, with our friends trying to set us up. It never worked - we were too awkward. Then 8th grade promotion came, and we said our final goodbyes since I was going to move away. I still talk to him, but he's moved on and has a girlfriend. As for me, some feelings still linger here and there.
When I do gymnastics in the field, he says, "Wow, how do you do that?" and I just say nothing.
A boy in my class does a lot of weird stuff, and I am trying to figure out if he likes me!
All the time and never looks away.
A kid who likes me does this a lot. I cheered for him in football, and we text each other. He also tries to put his arm around me.
He is a good friend, but I don't feel the same way about him at all.
Sometimes my crush manages to make me laugh when he does something stupid or says something funny. He does this because that's the way he is. Almost every time we talk, I manage to make him laugh.
Well, what else can that mean? And if he only targets you, like he does to me, what can that mean? I think the kid would like you if he constantly tries to make you smile and laugh.
Because across the room, he stares at me, and when I catch him, he smiles at me.
He does. Every time I say anything or look at him.
Yes! My crush always teases me in a playful way, but he never does it to other girls. It's actually kind of cute.
It's the complete opposite with me. He teases other girls but not me.
Some boys tease girls because, as my mom says, they like you.
YES! He tries to show off when he plays basketball, and then when he misses, he looks straight at me to see if I saw and blushes.
He tried to show off his strength and he ripped an apple in half. But it worked - I was amazed.
He always acts like he's doing everything right.
Yeah, he talks to me a lot, and we're really good friends.
He told me that he has a crush on me.
Wow, I just found out the boy that used to bully me likes me. But I don't know if I can forgive him for bullying me.
That's how my mom and dad met and fell in love.
The Newcomers
This fact is true. If someone likes you, they will remember random facts about you or something that you told them!
At school, during "get to know each other" activities, he will remember any facts about you.
Yeah, this sounds like me. Yeah, I'm crushing on...
He stares into my eyes all the time!
We stare into each other's eyes and don't look away until someone interrupts.
I think this is kind of an obvious hint unless it's a dare. I'm a girl, and I got dared to ask someone out, and now everyone thinks I like him. I don't, so just in case, for this one you should say your answer and then make sure it wasn't a dare.
Well, then no crap it means he likes you. He wouldn't be asking you out. It just makes it so obvious.
I don't know. He said, "I love you," but I think it's just as friends.
Well, not really. He wouldn't put his hands on your shoulders. That would be weird!
That would be creepy unless he was actually your boyfriend.
He listens to me even if it's a dumb question or answer.
We played footsie for a while, but we added a twist, and it was so fun!
We always argue with each other about random stuff, but it's fun.
He does this to me, but it's kinda annoying.
He always looks right at me but never talks to me.
It's actually kind of sweet. When I'm talking to another guy, he shoves his way into the conversation and makes sure the guy knows I'm not up for grabs, but we aren't dating T^T.
YES! In class, when the teacher is not there, and I'm looking, he does things like cartwheels and other tricks.