Top 10 Scenarios If Christianity Never Existed
This list isn't meant to offend. It's just a list about a simple "What if?" scenario of Christianity completely disappearing from existence. That is all.I used to think that religion was the main cause of all the wars and sufferings that have been going on in the world but to tell you all the truth, while religion has caused wars which is not at all false, it isn't entirely accurate either. Even if religion didn't exist we would still have wars (whether it be because of race, language culture, etc.). Human beings are always finding different ways to kill each other so would we be much better if we didn't have religion? I just wanna point that out there.
Whether you're religious or not, what's more important to realize is that you should never use your own beliefs to justify bad behavior. Believe what you want but always be responsible about it and don't go around causing harm in others. Don't discriminate either because it makes you look like an even bigger douchebag. Enough said.
The Romans and many other ancient civilizations were homophobic, so persecution of homosexuals has always existed.
The Church made homosexuality illegal for centuries. It's the Church's fault that this persecution persisted for so long.
Are you a fan of VeggieTales? Were you a fan when you were a little kid? If Christianity never existed, there would be no such thing as VeggieTales. No Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber.
Ostara would likely have been the main spring celebration if Christianity didn't exist.
Then you might want to learn the origins of the Easter Bunny.
Christmas is very important as well as fun because Jesus was born to be our Savior, to defeat sin and death, not necessarily demons!
Yes, but there would have been other types of religious wars.
I was making fun of the listing Everyone would go to hell because it reminded me of a mobile phone ad where the Serpent tells Eve to eat the Apple.
If Christianity never existed, then nobody would believe in concepts like hell, considering that they are religious constructs.
The Newcomers
If you ask me, it might have been beneficial for the Middle East. Without sectarian violence, oppressive religious laws, and radicalism, the region could have been more peaceful. No offense intended.
Not really. We might have retained more vestiges of clan structures and cultures, but urban development and nation-states would still have arisen, as they did well before Christianity existed. In fact, we might have done away with tribal society even sooner, since Christianity is arguably one of the reasons the Roman Empire fractured.
Yes, Christianity provided a common ground for most Europeans. Christian cultures are very similar to each other, and without them, there might not have been a France, Spain, Russia, or Switzerland.
Well, most of the world already is sexist. However, the continued presence of feminine deities in spiritual life might have accelerated the progression of women's rights. That's not a guarantee, of course, but I doubt sexism would be more prevalent than it is today.
Ancient religions of Rome and Greece were very patriarchal - so much so that male leaders often preferred relationships with boy lovers over their wives. And when I say boy, I mean children as well. It wasn't even a secret back then.
They once thought epilepsy was demonic possession. Without Christianity, we might have focused more on examination and scientific inquiry, although it's hard to say exactly how things would have developed back then.
*The World if Christianity Never Existed*: Who is Jesus? A kid in school gets made fun of because he was named Jesus, a name that now just sounds really old.
This scenario is about what would happen if Christianity never existed. We know Christians opened the first hospitals, but if no one had written the Bible, atheists might have opened them instead, possibly with more advanced medical knowledge.
Even more so, people often confronted Christianity because of its dogmatism. In pagan cultures around the world, this lack of dogmatism seems to have allowed people to stick to their religious beliefs (e.g., in India and Japan).
According to non-Christian scholars, Christianity arose out of proselyte communities, especially within Greece and Rome. Judaism was indeed popular, but perhaps a different form of Christianity could have emerged without Jesus.
Judaism was quite popular in Rome, with around 10% of Romans being Jews around the year 30. So, it's possible we could have seen a Jewish Rome by around the year 100.
The Book of Shadows was started by Gerald Gardner, a modern figure in Wicca, not an ancient text.