Top 10 Things Atheists Are Tired of Hearing

Being an atheist is hard sometimes, especially when people tell you these things.
The Top Ten
You're a satanist!

I'm not an atheist, but I believe most atheists aren't satanists, terrible people, dumb, illogical, overly sensitive, or people who hate God. Nor are they close-minded or any of the other negative things some theists claim. We, as Christians, need to remember to treat everyone by the Golden Rule. We should respect the intelligence of atheists and ensure our arguments for the existence of God meet the highest standards of emotional intelligence, logic, and rationalism.

Cheers, atheists.

An atheist does not want to hear that they are part of a completely different religion altogether. We don't care about other religions.

If you don't believe in God, then how do you know what's right or wrong?

I don't believe in God because there is no evidential proof of His existence. We can't determine that God is real by reading the Bible alone. People who are deeply religious often end up forcing their beliefs onto others. I have friends who are Muslim, Catholic, and Christian, and they are genuinely nice people.

Atheists can still be raised with a strong sense of morality. In fact, studies show that even newborns tend to prefer kindness over unkindness. Morality is partially innate.

Our morals don't come from a book, to put it simply. Scandinavia, one of the most secular regions in the world, is also one of the happiest, most peaceful, and most stable.

You can't prove that God doesn't exist!

No one can prove the non-existence of anything. Proof is "something," not "nothing." The statement "prove it doesn't exist" is essentially an oxymoron and nonsensical.

You can't prove that God does exist either, and don't say the Bible because that proves nothing.

You really can't prove God is real either, but feel free to try. Oh, and don't use the Bible or anything weak, please.

You're going to Hell

Extreme Christian logic (and I do mean extreme): No matter how bad of a person you are, you will always go to heaven as long as you believe in God. However, if you don't believe, you will burn in hell forever.

Atheists can still be rewarded if they are good people. It doesn't matter if you're atheist or religious. What matters is if you're good. God is fair and would never send a good atheist to hell.

That's like telling someone who doesn't play video games that zombies from Minecraft will attack them in their sleep if they don't play or enjoy the game.

What's stopping you from killing people?

On my remix list, I simply replied to this entry with "One word: Jail." I feel like I need to clarify. If jail were truly the only reason why I don't kill people, then I'd be no better than those who refrain from killing just to avoid hell. What really prevents me from killing anyone is my sense of morality. Morality is based on well-being, and killing someone is immoral because it decreases well-being. Basically, I'm not killing anyone because I wouldn't want someone to kill me.

This is offensive. We use what we observe and try to make the people around us as happy as we can within societal guidelines. Unfortunately, not everyone follows civil rights.

Most of history's worst humans are atheists

Some of the greatest scientists of all time were atheists.

Most of history's worst humans are religious. How's that?

Many amazing people are atheists too. Your point?

You're just an insensitive douchebag like everyone else!

Not believing in something doesn't make someone an insensitive douchebag. There's a reason we don't believe in God - because there's no real proof of His existence.

Everyone else? I think that would include whoever says this.

I don't think religion affects people's personalities.

If you don't believe in God then why do talk about him so much?

I don't. I only talk about it on lists like this or when someone else brings it up.

We don't bring up God in religious arguments. Other religious people do that.

We are talking about organized religion.

Why do you hate God?

How can I hate something that doesn't exist?

We don't hate God if we don't believe in him. We just hate those cults.

Atheism is too edgy for me.

Since when is atheism edgy? I'm an atheist, and I don't consider myself edgy.

The Newcomers

? If God doesn't exist, then how could the expanse of space just come into existence?
? Have a blessed day

Whatever happened to "have a nice day"?

The Contenders
You must think morality is subjective

People do have different morals, so I guess it kind of is. However, some things are still logically wrong, and other things are just grey.

Why are you persecuting us?!

No, you're persecuting us. Many countries could kill me if I went on holiday there just because I am an atheist.

You need Jesus!

The thing is, an atheist can believe in Jesus. They just won't believe he's supernatural or the son of God.

Jesus, take the wheel! *Car crashes*

Atheists who respect the personal beliefs of others are still terrible people

I respect personal beliefs in others, and I'm not that bad.

You're worse than all the murderers, robbers, and child molesters out there!

So, not believing in something that has no real proof makes you worse than the people responsible for millions of innocent deaths, thefts, or molestations? Nice logic.

So, rapists are angels compared to atheists?

Atheism is the worst religion

Atheism is not a religion, just like bald is not a hair color and silence is not a sound!

You probably read your kids His Dark Materials every night!
Why do you mock Christianity?

We don't mock Christianity. We simply say God doesn't exist and move on with our lives. It's usually Christians who try to tell us otherwise, but we're not going to change our minds.

I don't. I respect Christians as long as they don't say things like this.

If there is no proof that God exist what about all the eyewitness testimony from Israelites who could not lie?
Are you simple minded enough to believe that earth's existence, proximity from the sun, atmosphere, gravity, oxygen, water vegetation, and the life of every living creature just happened?
How can you challenge the existence of God, when you can't give reason to your own existence?
It's better to believe in God just in case it's real
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