Top 10 Reasons the Hallways In School Suck

Everyone hates school but did you know that the hallways are also bad? Well you're about to find out the top 10 reasons why. So let's get started.
The Top Ten
Too Crowded

WHAT IN THE WORLD? Where are all these people COMING FROM? It gets so crowded during passing periods, and you can't even see where you're going because everyone is just jamming themselves in. Then you're late, and you don't even have a pass.

Don't even get me STARTED on the people who think they can push their way through.

AH! STAMPEDE! What is with all these people ramming into other kids? Giant 8th graders are shoving past everyone shorter, and I feel bad for everyone trying to open up their lockers.

Everyone is in the way because they keep talking and moving slowly, which takes up the space! Just let me get through! Luckily, I don't get tardy for class.

Slow Walkers

It's at its worst on the stairs. People intentionally try to block the way by moving slowly. One teacher knows about this, so why hasn't the school assigned stair monitors yet?

The worst offenders are the ones who notice everyone taking the other staircase next to the one they're blocking, so they move to block that one too. I voted for this instead of the stairs option because sometimes this issue extends into the hallway.

I don't care if you're talking about that "cute boy" you like and how he is "hot." Let me pass, please! I just want to get through the day without dying from people who block my way, and THEN being yelled at for being late.


For me, these top three are tied! Often, two students (mostly 9th and 10th graders) start shoving each other in the already crowded hallway. They usually get shoved in my direction, sometimes almost knocking me over.

For goodness' sake, people are trying to get to class! None of us want to deal with this. If you want to fight, do it after school outside where there's plenty of open space, like people used to do, not in a narrow and crowded hallway where students are just trying to get to class or lunch.

This is also stupid because if you're trying to go to class and see a fight happening, you have to run because you might get pushed or hurt in the hallways. THIS SUCKS!


The main building of my school might as well be one giant staircase. You have to take a few steps to get inside, walk up stairs to get to the office, and walk up even more stairs (with a handrail missing on one side) to get to the upstairs classrooms. You walk down a step to the cafeteria, and then walk down even more stairs to go outside to the other class buildings (which thankfully have only one floor and no stairs to climb up or down).

There's also a storage room in the main building which, yep, you guessed it, has its own staircase that you would need to walk up to reach. Whoever designed my school must have failed miserably at their job.

The Couple Making Out

Why? There's always the janitor's closet or the bathroom for that! No one wants to see that!

Do it in the janitor's closet, for Pete's sake!

Can't you do that somewhere else?

Hand Holders

I had to crawl under two people doing that in the hallway.


They always yell at me when I'm trying to get something out of my locker.


People who run can knock you over.


I only do this when I'm stuck behind the slow walkers and need to get to my second-period class. I really don't have the time to deal with slow walkers when I'm trying to get to my strict English teacher's class.

There are those who push in front of you to get you out of their way. Those are reasons why hallways in school suck. If there are more, then add them to a new list and don't forget to vote. So, bye.

People Who Talk to You

The Newcomers

? Not Allowed to Run
? People Can Into Your Bag
The Contenders

The popular girl in my class does this a lot. I think she does it on purpose, but when she does, she says, "Oh, I'm so sorry!" She probably just doesn't want to get in trouble, so she says she's sorry.

Or maybe she just walks too fast...

Trying Not to Awkwardly Stare at People

Walking down a less crowded hall with only a few people going in the opposite direction is hell. I'm like, where am I supposed to look?

Unless you have a phone to stare at... which I don't.

They are Just a Straight Line

A straight HORIZONTAL line of superfriends is the issue here. Combine that with the crowdedness of the halls, and a horizontal line of students that moves slowly basically forms a makeshift wall, preventing people from getting around them.

Basically everyone. And teachers get me in trouble for being 10 seconds late.

They walk in groups, and they get mad at you if you pass them.

People Leaning Against Your Locker
People Standing in the Middle of the Hallway
Hideous Lockers
People Cut You Off in Traffic

Don't act entitled and important, people. Watch where you're walking so you don't plow directly into someone. When you're trying to turn, wait until oncoming traffic is clear.

When you get to the bottom of the stairs, look both ways so you don't get hurt. Use common sense and follow the rules of the road. Imagine if these students actually drove like this.

They Sometimes Smell Weird

It's not a person, it's the halls! They should spray something in there!

They should spray something in there!

Stacks of Books Kid

Think of the kids in other countries who don't have lockers. They carry all their stuff around, or some of it stays in the classroom.

They do that because you're not allowed to go to your lockers between classes.

People Blasting Inappropriate Music
Bigger People Than You

I don't mean to be mean, but the biggest people in the world always take up the entire hallway.

Bullies Who Push You on Your Way to Class
Too Big
Stops at Doors
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