Best Student Organizations of Bangladesh

The Top Ten
Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir

I had never been directly involved in their politics and activities, but I have had the chance to observe them during my two years in college and six years at university. After my observation, I must say that the activists of Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir are genuinely humble, polite, meritorious, and smart. While other student organizations like Chhatra Dal and Chhatra League focus on making money and aiming to become MPs in the future, Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir concentrates on being accepted by all students and civil society through their performance.

Yes, there is a lot of propaganda about them, such as accusations of being tendon cutters, collaborators, extremists, etc. However, in my eight years of observation as an adult student, I have never seen any such negative behavior from their activists. Therefore, I always say that Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir is the best student organization in this beautiful country. I wish them every success.

Bangladesh Jatiotabadi Chhatra Dal

Always showing a commitment to education together.

We are proud of Chhatra Dal. We have a great history. We can't forget leaders like Niru, Bablu, Raton, Elias, and K. Kabir.

Bangladesh Chhatra League
Dhaka College Debating Society

This is a leading debating society in our country.

Dhaka University Central Students' Union (DUCSU)
Islami Shasantantra Chhatra Andolan

This is a large student organization in Bangladesh.

I support this organization.

Bangladesh Student Federation
Narsingdi Zilla Students Association, University of Chittagong
Ashulia Thana Students' Union
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