Top 10 Biggest School Pet Peeves

The Top Ten
Locker won't open

You're often late to class because of this, or have to get a teacher's help. And it's pretty embarrassing standing there and yelling and slamming at your locker as people walk by.

I have tried pulling it and repeatedly kicking or banging on it, but nothing helps...

This happens to me a lot! Then, I get help and end up being late to class.

Missing the bus

It's especially bad if it's the afternoon. Then, you either have to walk home or go into the office and look like an idiot.

Passing papers back the row. Forgetting to take one

This isn't the worst pet peeve, but it is certainly one of the most humiliating. Then you have to ask for the paper because you DIDN'T TAKE ONE!

Getting the period numbers wrong

Once in primary school, I started eating my lunch after phys ed because the year before, we had lunch after phys ed on Wednesdays. It was still early in the year, and I had my lunch at the table, as we had to eat indoors before going out. Then my teacher asks me, "What is that?" (Imagine just sandwich crusts in a Glad bag at this point). I say, innocently, "My lunch..."

He tells me to throw it away as he explains what we'll be doing next. I almost died.

I once mixed up Spanish and Gym, so I went to gym and got into my gym clothes. Then it hit me: "None of these people are in my gym class." So I had to go to Spanish, and I was like 15 minutes late. Luckily, I have a very nice Spanish teacher, so she didn't care.

Drawing #1 for a presentation

Presentations are already embarrassing enough, but it's especially bad when you don't know what to do AND you have NO EXAMPLES to help you!

If I have to perform it to the class, I hate them.

If I don't have to perform it, I actually kinda like them if they're for science or geography.

Every time there is a presentation, either the kid in front of me or a random kid gets to present first. I am normally #10 or #12, but sometimes I am #2.

Student behind you kicks your chair/desk

A stupid boy kept doing that during my exams. I wanted to break that smug, ugly face of his.

It's REALLY hard to concentrate with your entire desk and papers rattling.

It drives me crazy when people do that! I can't concentrate like that!

Forgetting lunch money

It's always bad when you have to starve or ask someone to buy you lunch.

People walking extremely slow in front of you when there is no way around them

"Hey, excuse me, would you mind WALKING FASTER? How the hell is anyone going to get to class with you walking like a zombie?!?!" I just think it's so disrespectful when people walk so damn slow in front of you, or worse, just stop and start talking. What the hell?!?! Why would you do that? Why can't you just move to the side, talk with your friend, and let me through?!

No, you just have to stop and tell your friend about what Jennifer said to Amber (or whoever). Sorry, I do not care about them. When I kindly ask you to move to the side, you start to cuss me out?!?! And then my teachers ask me why I'm late to class. If only they knew.

Surprise quizzes

People who don't study are pretty much done for when they forget about a quiz, or the teacher just surprises everyone with one.

Tripping in the hallway or on the stairs

I fell in a puddle in the hallway once, and the whole day it looked like... well, you can probably guess.

The Newcomers

? Kids who ask too many questions
? Kids who ask questions that have already been answered
The Contenders
Feeling gum under the desk
When teachers treat you like you don't know anything

My special ed teacher in high school thinks that I'm dumber than a 1st grader. In the class, we only did super easy stuff like very basic addition, counting coins, telling time, etc. It makes me feel stupid.

Like, shut up! I'm not a five-year-old, so stop trying to make whole lectures about everything.

Getting too much homework

Oh yeah, homework is very annoying.

Kids who tell every classmate they possibly know if you do something they think is bad

Guess what? Sadical is listening to music in class! Hey Bob, Sadical is listening to MUSIC! Mr. John, Sadical is listening to music! I bet it's bad!

Thinking they do everything right... Girl, bye.

Kids who sniff during tests and don't bother to blow their nose

OK, I admit that I'm guilty of being one of those kids, but I have pretty good reasons for it:

- Cold and allergy season. I am an allergy sufferer. Even taking allergy medication before school doesn't help.
- I ran out of tissues (I usually pack a few of them whenever I go to school).
- Teachers will not let me go to the bathroom to blow my nose during the test.

When people don't give your pencil back

This happened to me quite a few times. If someone comes to school or class ill-prepared, like not having a pencil or a few on hand, then they should suffer for it. A pencil, or better yet, a box of pencils, is not expensive at all! I wish I had the backbone to say that to those constant pencil-borrowers at the time, but unfortunately, I was too nice to say anything back then. Still, it agitated me greatly all the same.

Literally, you give them your pencil, and they don't give it back when they were only supposed to borrow it.

Dabbing students
Getting in trouble for something you were the victim of
Detention for something you didn't do

I got a suspension for this once. I also got in trouble with my parents. It is a million times worse than detention.

Luckily, we don't have detention where I study.

Reacting too much over farts

Why is it so important that you have to embarrass the closest kid next to you who farts, just so you can be "popular" for being rude?!

When kids annoy you and get away with it
When the teacher hovers over you

This happens to me because my teachers kinda know that I don't do my work.

Kids who rush through their work

That's me because I just want to go on TheTopTens instead of doing my work.

When your pencil cracks off whenever you sharpen it and you are left with a stub
Can't go to the bathroom in peace
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